Why Serving in the Church Can Impact a Life Every Day

blog to help followers of Jesus

Why Serving in the Church Can Impact a Life Every Day

March 6, 2018 Lifestyle spiritual gifts 0

Can you make a difference in someone’s life every day? How can this be possible? Is serving in the church really the answer? Before we get to that, though, we must answer some more questions.

What is the church supposed to look like? How is it intended to function? Is the church more than buildings, programs and religious entertainment? What part does each individual play in a healthy church?


Ben White

Here’s the Church

In 1 Corinthians 12-14, Paul explains how the church is to work. He uses the analogy of a body to illustrate the fact that everyone has a part to play. He also asserts that we are all given spiritual gifts for the healthy function of the body.

The body of Christ – the church – has many functions: to heal, to proclaim the gospel, to encourage, to make disciples, to demonstrate God’s compassion and many more. The spiritual gifts are given to fulfill these functions.

There are many spiritual gifts. They are listed in 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, Romans 12. Many have undertaken the task of listing all the gifts that appear in the Bible. I won’t try to do that here.

The spiritual gifts are extraordinary gifts from God. These are not natural talents but supernatural manifestations of the power of God. For example, we talk about a gifted musician. In doing so, we are expressing admiration for a natural talent. That talented individual, when part of the church, also has a spiritual gift that can be used in conjunction with that talent, perhaps encouragement. Then, when he or she sings and plays musical instruments in worship there is a powerful wave of encouragement that is sent across the church.

Every spiritual gift works this way: prophecy, teaching, giving, serving and all the others are meant to build up the body of Christ. This is God’s power flowing through his people to serve their mutual needs.

With all this being said, how does serving in ministry work?

There are three broad categories we can view:

Practical ministries. Some of these include being an usher, greeter, being on the safety and security team, administration, property maintenance, food pantry and so on. These are essential for the ministry of the church. Everyone who is willing and has ability in these areas should volunteer to work. When everyone does a little the whole church benefits a lot!

Formal Spiritual ministries. These include pastor, teacher, prayer team, counseling and all other ministries that build the spiritual lives of people. In these ministries, spiritual gifts must be employed. These ministries will exclude some of those who are not necessarily gifted in these areas. And that’s okay.

Informal Spiritual ministries. Everyone has a spiritual gift. Everyone has a responsibility to use that gift. Where we are in life largely determines how we use these gifts. When we are not engaged in a formal spiritual ministry, we employ our gifts in everyday service in the kingdom of God. For example, if your gift is encouraging, you may be called by God to visit shut-ins and absentees to share his love with them through the encouragement you give.

Everyone needs to be involved in at least one of these three areas and many people in two of them. What are you doing to serve in the kingdom of God?

Back to You

By using the spiritual gifts God has given you, you can impact a life every single day! Your word of encouragement, your prayer for healing, your act of kindness not only makes a difference in the moment but makes a difference every time it comes to remembrance. What you do today in obedience to the prompting of the Spirit continues to work in someone’s life far beyond today.

Serving in the church is a powerful demonstration of your commitment to following Jesus!

To discover your spiritual gifts, check this out or email me! If this has been helpful, pass it on so that others may find encouragement too!