You Have a World Changing Mission – Make Disciples

blog to help followers of Jesus

You Have a World Changing Mission – Make Disciples

March 13, 2018 discipleship 0

Who is the most committed person to Jesus that you know? Is their life a radical demonstration of what it means to follow Jesus? How do you feel about them? Intimidated? Admiring? Inspired? Encouraged?

making disciplesColin Rex

When I think about someone committed to Jesus, I think of someone who shares Jesus with everyone – someone whose mission is to make disciples. I have friends like this – and I want to be more like this.

When I think of a fully committed follower from the Bible, I think of the Apostle Paul.

Listen to how the Apostle Paul describes his commitment to sharing the gospel and making disciples:

Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. (1 Corinthians 9:19-23 – NIV)

Paul describes his own approach and mission. While it is a personal statement there are some things we should apply to our own walk with Jesus. First of all, we must remember that part of following Jesus is to do the work he has put before us – to make disciples. With that in mind, here are four things that should mark our lifestyle of following Jesus and sharing Jesus in order to make disciples.

4 Serious Marks

Be intentional. Following Jesus is an intentional choice and continuing in the way is intentional. When we reflect on the necessity of making disciples we are intentional about:

  • Prayer. We pray for those around us who do not know Jesus. We pray that God would be working in their lives and that they would come to know him.
  • Our words. We share the story of Jesus work in our lives. We use every opportunity to lift up Jesus in a winsome and loving way.
  • Invitations. We do not miss an opportunity to ask them to join us in following Jesus – or just inviting them to come to church with us.

Be flexible. We are open to people who are different from us. Think about what you look like and then think about your opposite. Be open to that person. So, if you are a person of color, are you open to reaching someone who is white? If you have no tattoos or body piercings are you comfortable talking to someone who does? It becomes a mission now to seek to understand that person who is so different from you, to listen and to enter their world – or at least grasp their experience and point of view.

Be focused. Our personal agenda, led by Jesus, is always matched to kingdom purposes. We try with every conversation to move someone closer to Jesus. Think about what that means. We share God’s love in every possible way through word and deed. We remember that our actions frequently speak just as loud as our words!

Be tenacious. We never give up on anyone. That takes a lot of spiritual energy – and God has an endless supply. We try everything we can to reach people and win them to the kingdom of God. We want everyone to follow Jesus and that is our daily motivation.

Your Turn

I have a long way to go to fulfilling these four serious marks. How about you?

We each start down this path with one step. Please take one step today. Pray that Jesus will help you embrace the philosophy that Paul expressed and make it your own. Then, take another step and see what happens!