Can You Have A Personal Pentecost?

blog to help followers of Jesus

Can You Have A Personal Pentecost?

May 25, 2018 Life change Lifestyle 0

Have you ever experienced something that changed the entire trajectory of your life? Have you been part of something that changed the course of history? If you are following Jesus, the answer to these questions is ‘yes.’ But there is so much more – Pentecost!

pentecostJiawei Chen

When we look at the event as recorded in Acts 2, we immediately recognize a once in history event that happened nearly 2000 years ago. We also see so much of what it can mean to us today. So what happened on the day of Pentecost ten days after the ascension of Jesus?

You can read the story in Acts 2 but here’s a short summary and commentary.


They were all together in one place and, in all likelihood, they were praying as recorded in Acts 1:14. It was God’s leadership to bring them together and keep them together. In response to Jesus’ promise and instructions, they waited in Jerusalem that they might be clothed with power (Luke 24:49).

There was an incredible physical manifestation of the presence of God. Here is the description of what happened. The sound of a violent wind filled the whole house – this wind was heard in the streets as well. They saw something like a ‘tongue of fire’ that came to rest on them. They began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. All the visitors to Jerusalem heard the gospel in their native tongue.

What was happening?

This is the work that Jesus promised in fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. God poured out his Spirit. The disciples were filled with the Spirit and were empowered in this filling. They came out from behind doors they had locked for fear of the Jewish authorities (John 20:19). They boldly proclaimed the gospel and invited the listeners to respond. Peter later testified that they were cleansed in this filling (Acts 15:8-9).

And, the church was born.

What does this all mean to us today?

It is a beginning. This records the birth of the church. It was the continuation of the earthly ministry started by Jesus and opened up our understanding of the Kingdom of God. Pentecost did not establish a goal we strive for, but the beginning of a new life – a dramatically improved life.

It is a ‘new order.’ This new order is about following Jesus, when Jesus is not physically present with us. The Holy Spirit is living within us, so God is with us all the time.

It is for every believer. An experience like Pentecost is for everyone. It was prophesied about and it is to be our everyday life.

It is a call for a new life – from the outside in (from God to us). We are now to be living on God’s strength, instead of our own, relying on the Holy Spirit, instead of on our wisdom, living a holy life, instead of trying to be good, experiencing peace, freedom and joy, instead of anxiety, guilt and sorrow.

It is about experiencing God’s power – from the inside out. When the Holy Spirit lives inside us his power comes out of our lives! The signs of this reality are clear and recorded throughout the New Testament. What should mark our lives?

  • Boldness, prophesying – speaking out God’s Word
  • Signs and wonders
  • Personal transformation – real change in who we are and how we act
  • Perseverance, persistence, determination, discipline and all the fruit and gifts of the Spirit!

It is about revelation. Being filled with the Spirit opens us to the reality that we can hear God, perceive his leadership, understand his will (Ro 12:1-2) and have our eyes opened to the scriptures.

It is about focus. It is not about rules or even doctrine (although doctrine is important) but it is about relationship. This relationship is one of love. It is loving God and loving each other.

We must nurture the relationship we have with God’s indwelling Spirit. We do this in three ways:

In transparency – honestly admitting our struggles, questions and doubts. Even though God knows what we are going through, he wants to hear us express this to him.
In submission – accepting his leadership, counsel and will for our lives – especially when that requires great faith.
In disciplines – prayer, the reading and study of God’s Word, corporate worship, fellowship, service.

Your response – your personal Pentecost

Expect it (by faith). It can be dramatic though not always so and it is for everyone – including you.

Allow it. In order to open your life to it you must confess and surrender. All sin must be confessed. In other words, you must be saved. Believe in Jesus, repent of your old life and begin to follow him.

You must also surrender. That means you consecrate your life to him, making your life a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1).

Pray for it. Just as the disciples prayed for the Holy Spirit to come, you must exercise your faith, believe it is for you and ask God to baptize you in the Holy Spirit. Ask him to fill every part of your life and take all of you.

Once you have done this, know that you will experience it. God is faithful, he will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24). Begin to experience that personal transformation described in Romans 12:2.

Finally, exercise it. Once the wind and fire fell, the disciples did something about it! They proclaimed the truth of God and what he had done for them. In doing this the power truly flowed out of their lives. When you do it, the gifts and fruit of the Spirit will flourish in your life.

I would love to hear how this turns out for you. Leave a comment or email me to let me know. I love to hear from you!