Genesis – Lessons from Yesterday for Today!

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Genesis – Lessons from Yesterday for Today!

June 12, 2018 Bible Reading 0

Genesis is a foundational book in the Bible and is full of life lessons for every follower of Jesus. What are your favorite stories from this great book? What have you learned over the years? Here are some of the things that I have found.

genesisJenny Smith

The Power and Authority of God

With the creation story, we have the most vivid illustration of God’s power and sovereignty. He alone has the power to create something from nothing. However he did it, he did it! All of creation testifies to God’s power and authority.

With the simple phrase: In the beginning God created… we have at once the foundation of all we believe and know about our place and his place in creation. Since he created, all of creation belongs to him. Acknowledging that takes us a long way into understanding who God is and knowing him.

God’s Desire for Community

When God was nearly done creating, he knew something was missing. So he created mankind in his image. With Adam and Eve, he began a relationship and an intimate community. This crowning achievement of creation made it all very good.

His desire for community and fellowship weaves its way through the entire Bible. He continually takes the initiative to establishing a relationship with his highest creation. God is not aloof, he desires us to know him better.

Our Responsibility for Creation

God made mankind stewards of all creation. It is our responsibility to care for this marvelous creation; to manage resources, protect life and pass to the next generation a habitable planet.

Not only in Genesis, but throughout the Old Testament, we see God giving specific instructions on how to steward creation. Listening to him in this regard will help us be responsible managers of God’s marvelous creation.

The Destructive Power of Sin

There was only one rule in the Garden of Eden – don’t eat fruit from one particular tree. The consequence of disobedience would mean death, curse and banishment. Sadly, we know, Adam and Eve could not keep that one rule. They were seduced. They sinned and we have inherited the curse of sin and death.

God was true to his word and all the evil that has come into the world since their fall is the result of the power of sin. But, in God’s economy sin never has the last word.

God’s Provision for Forgiveness and Restoration

God provided an atoning sacrifice for sin. The substitutionary death of a clean animal became the standard for atonement. When he killed the animal in order to clothe them, God illustrated to Adam and Eve what must be done for sin. From this point we see sacrifice being made throughout the Old Testament.

Even before the structured system of sacrifice introduced through the law of Moses, sacrifice was routinely made to worship God – to bridge the gap between sinful man and holy God.

God’s Grace

Simply creating us is the first signal that God is a God of grace. He graciously provided an alternative to immediate death for the first sin, he interacted with his creation in relationship. His grace was also demonstrated when he chose Noah to save mankind from destruction in the flood. The call and covenant with Abraham was also an act of grace. He continually forgave and gave us great promises in order to encourage us to love him.

God’s Faithfulness

God has always been faithful. He demonstrated that with Noah, Abraham and Lot, Jacob and Joseph. When his people will heed his voice, they find that all his promises are good. He is always there, he never fails.

He works according to his purposes and timetable, but he never leaves us or forsakes us. His word is sure and he will not let us down.

The Power of Trusting God

This is a recurring theme in the book. Noah trusted God, took decades to build the ark, gather the animals and rise above the flood. Abraham trusted God through a century of childlessness to finally receive the son he was promised. Jacob trusted God through 20 years of exile before he could return home. Joseph trusted God through 13 years of slavery and imprisonment before rising to be a ruler over Egypt.

When we trust God, we can live in confidence through the darkest hours of our lives, knowing that he is always there.

These are just a few lessons from this great book. Of course, we could go far deeper into these things but I hope you are encouraged and motivated to read this book again and fortify your faith through his word.

What do you love about Genesis?

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Now available is the complete: Transformational Life Lessons from the Bible in Kindle format. Click here for more information.