What Your New Life Really Means

blog to help followers of Jesus

What Your New Life Really Means

June 22, 2018 life 0

What changes when you become a follower of Jesus? The short answer – everything! We have a genuine new life!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.              2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

In the scripture preceding this verse, Paul talks about many of the changes that occur when we start to follow Jesus.

lifeRoss Findon


We are always of good courage because we focus on the unseen rather than the seen. Why is this so. Three things are included in the unseen that bolster our good courage.

God’s sovereignty. We realize that nothing that is happening in the world is beyond his control. While he allows us the choices we make and they are often wrong and even destructive, he maintains his control. Ultimately, he will exert final control and the end will come. Until then, his benevolent sovereignty is full assurance for every follower of Jesus.

God’s promises. His promises strengthen us every day. As we follow Jesus we know that all will work together for good.

God’s faithfulness. Everyone fails, except God. His promises and all he is never fails!

So we are of good courage.

Live by faith (not sight)

This is a major change in our lives. What is living by sight? It is living by the ways of the world. It is understanding life by way of our senses – what we see, touch, taste – our appetites and the understanding we gain through these things.

But now, we live by faith.

What does it mean to live by faith? We rely on Jesus’ leadership and promises. We continue in obedience to his word, with the gifts and fruit and wisdom of the Spirit active in our lives. Living by faith means we are always learning and growing, expanding in discernment and spiritual understanding.

The Goal is to please God

Exactly how do we please God? Three things we can do to please him:

Worship him. Taking time for genuine worship expresses our desire to please him.

Love and adore him. How many ways are there to express love?

We greatly please him by our obedience which shows him how much we trust him.

Why do we want to please him?

He loves us and we love him. In any relationship with love as a component, pleasing one another is a key. Love is the most important reason we want to please God.

Another reason we want to please him is that we are accountable. God’s forgiveness does not mean we are no longer accountable. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil. 2 Corinthians 5:10 (ESV) Since Paul includes himself in this statement, we can be sure we, too, will give an account.

We desire to persuade others

Another thing that changes is that we find in ourselves a great desire to help other people follow Jesus. We want to do whatever it takes, even if we look crazy.

We want to persuade people of the truth of the gospel. Everyone who does not believe needs to believe all that God has done for them.

We also want to persuade every follower of Jesus how essential it is to live a Spirit-filled life.

Finally, we are trying to persuade every follower of Jesus of the necessity of progress in their spiritual life. A lack of spiritual growth indicates a serious problem.

Circling Back

When Jesus comes in, everything changes. In Christ – the old is gone. The old is everything worldly and self-centered. If the old is still here – you are not in Christ. It is important to realize what God’s word is saying here. The old is not suppressed or covered or even overwhelmed. It is gone!

In Christ – the new is here. We become a new creation. We now have Spirit life which means

New habits

New lifestyle

New perspective

New language

New focus

Our lives are about the Kingdom of God, the glory of God and the power of God.

Make sure the new has come to you!

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