Lessons in Leviticus

blog to help followers of Jesus

Lessons in Leviticus

July 10, 2018 Bible Reading 0

What is the hardest book you have ever tried to read? How about the hardest book you have ever been successful at finishing? What is the hardest book in the Bible? Many would answer without hesitation: Leviticus.

leviticusPriscilla Du Preez

Taking time to list lessons in Leviticus helped me to understand the importance of this challenging book. These lessons may help you as well. But a great approach for you may be to list the lessons you find as you read. Although this is a difficult book, it is part of God’s Word. It is inspired by the Holy Spirit and for our benefit as followers of Jesus. What can you learn?

One – Be holy

This is one of the strongest messages in the book.

God chose his people to be separated for his use. Being separate is one of the basic principles of holiness.

His people are to be holy in worship. The sacrifices that they brought were all to be without blemish – perfect and pure, elements of holiness and a foreshadowing of Jesus as the pure and perfect sacrifice for our sin.

His people are also called upon to be holy in conduct. That means there were responsibilities to be lived up to. For example, in Leviticus 5:1 we are called upon to participate in the justice system. There is a requirement to honor the family (c. 18) and honor neighbors (c. 19).

God’s people are called upon to be holy in daily life. All impurities are to be dealt with for the sake of the individual and the community. Specific instructions are given for skin diseases, bodily discharge and mold and impurity in things handled.

Two – Consecration of the Priests

The ceremony for consecrating the priests includes blood shed (life given for sin) and anointing in oil (Holy Spirit anointing). The elaborate process of ordination underscores the importance of the office.

Three – Honoring God

The system of feasts and celebrations reminded the people of the generous and benevolent hand of God upon them.  Sabbath days and years, as well as the year of Jubilee became important for remembering God’s bounty and reinforcing the people’s faith.

Four – The folly of presumption

Nadab and Abihu acted in a presumptuous way in offering incense not commanded by God. That act carried dire consequences as both of them were struck down by God!

Five – Absolute intolerance for unholy conduct

God’s people are to be holy. Many of the punishments described for violating the holiness code are extreme and include capital punishment. God insists that his people be holy. It is his desire to purge anything unholy from his people. While we would certainly not enforce many of these punishments today, the penalties underscore God’s demand that we be holy.

Six – Blessing for obedience

God promises great blessings for his people when they are obedient. These blessings promise his protection, great prosperity, power, peace and contentment. All of God’s good promises are activated when his people live in accordance with his will.

Seven – Curses for disobedience

Likewise, God reveals at great length the penalty for ignoring his law. Suffering, death and banishment should have acted as a strong deterrent to disobedience just as the blessing should have been strong encouragement for obedience.

Your Turn

With all that said, what lessons have you learned from Leviticus? I hope this helps you the next time you read through this book. Leave your comment below or come on over to our Facebook page and share!

Now available is the complete: Transformational Life Lessons from the Bible in Kindle format. Click here for more information.