Powerful Life Lessons from the Book of Ruth

blog to help followers of Jesus

Powerful Life Lessons from the Book of Ruth

October 23, 2018 Bible Reading 0

Do you ever wonder why certain books are in the Bible? Ruth is a very short book with a wonderfully compelling story but is there more than inspirational entertainment here? These lessons take us beyond the story and begin to unravel the mystery about how God works in the world.

RuthPaz Arando

Three great lessons emerge from the book of Ruth that can help us every day in our lives.

One – The Power of Example

Naomi departed from her native land with her husband and two sons to escape tough economic conditions. While in Moab, her husband and sons all died. With such tragedy in her life, she decided to return home. Her two daughters-in-law wanted to go with her. That sort of response would not have been possible had Naomi not set such an example in life, in faith and in loss.

Our lives are being looked at. How we act is so important but how we react is even more important. What comes out when we are upset by the trials of life?

People want to be with us because of our speech, our actions and our reactions. Naomi was a powerful example. Are you?

Two – History Making Loyalty

As Naomi left, she encouraged Ruth and Orpah to return to their native land and people. Ruth refused. Her refusal resulted in a change of the course of history. Look at this pledge of loyalty:

“Do not urge me to leave you or return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.” Ruth 1:16-17 (ESV)

Ruth was determined. Her pledge including adopting a new home, new customs and new faith! Don’t underestimate the magnitude of change involved here. That loyalty was a major factor in the events that followed.

Our undying loyalty to follow wherever Jesus leads us can have a major effect on the next things that happen in our lives as well. This level of commitment changes our outlook and our destiny! How committed are you to following Jesus? Is it the one thing you will never forsake?

Three – God’s Provision

As Naomi and Ruth reestablished their lives in Israel, they looked for ways to make ends meet. Ruth went to help with the harvest. As a poor widow, she could glean the fields, which meant that she would be picking up heads of grain the harvesters had missed. Those gleaning would provide daily food and perhaps a little left over for the future.

Providentially, she ended in the field belonging to Boaz. As the custom of the day, Boaz was able to provide for Ruth, and as a distant relative, to redeem her and take her as his wife. While this arrangement seems so foreign to us today, it was very common in that day. God provided a means for family and economic security for Ruth and Naomi  for the rest of their lives.

Ruth and Boaz were the great grand parents of David, who became king! An interesting note on this story is that Ruth, a foreigner, became part of the Messianic line. God works through people to bring about his plans and purposes.

When we are obedient, God’s provisions for us take effect. He powerfully guides circumstances and gives us discernment to see what comes next and how we should respond.

Your Turn

  • Are there other lessons from Ruth that you have learned? Share them here or on our Facebook page.
  • Watch your example. Ask God to help you set a positive example of faith and conduct.
  • Reaffirm your loyalty to the work God has given you to do.
  • Trust in his provision for your life.

Now available is the complete: Transformational Life Lessons from the Bible in Kindle format. Click here for more information.