Lessons from Kings
The books of 1 and 2 Kings provide us with the narrative of the ancient kingdom of Israel and how God dealt with his people. It contains plenty of lessons on how He works and how we are to live.

Photo by Amy Velazquez on Unsplash
7 Lessons
One – the Power of Presence
And when the priests came out of the Holy Place, a cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. 1 Kings 8:10-11 (ESV)
Solomon had spent years building the new temple. The work was done at the direction of the Lord. He ordained the site and plan so that he would be glorified.
When the work was done, his presence was powerful and overwhelming. Every time we see God’s presence manifested in scripture something extraordinary happens.
God’s presence changes things!
Two – the Seductive Power of the Exotic
Solomon’s story is glorious and tragic. The foreign women he loved drew him to idolatry. He forgot the power of God. He forgot the glory of the presence of God. And, he ceased to honor God in his life.
Sometimes the things that are new and strange can be intoxicating and cause us to lose sight of God. We must learn to guard ourselves against these powerful influences.
Three – Obedience and Deception
There once was a prophet who did almost everything God asked him to do. And the ‘almost’ killed him – literally!
The prophet came from Judea to Israel with a specific message for the king. He was given specific instructions from God to return to Judea by a different route and not to eat bread or drink water in Israel.
He started his mission with obedience, delivering his message and refusing the offer of the king to eat and drink with him.
However, as he was heading back, a messenger found him with a false word that he should visit a prophet in Israel. He did so believing that he had received a new word from the Lord.
The story ends badly, however, as he is killed by a lion on his return to his home because of his disobedience. You can read the whole story in 1 Kings 13.
When we receive a word from God, we must obey it fully. We cannot afford to be discouraged by any other words supposedly sent through another messenger. Even people who say they are prophets and preachers can deliver a false message because they aren’t really listening to God.
Four – Living by the Word
The story of Elijah is remarkable. His life is a life lived by the word of God. In 1 Kings 17:1-16, we see the prophet hearing God’s word and doing what God tells him to do. There are remarkable events here.
In fact, throughout Elijah’s lifetime, we see him do great deeds and declare miraculous works! He lived by the word of God. What God told him, he did.
He is an example for us. The power that was displayed by Elijah was the power of God manifested through an obedient servant. Elijah was not supernatural. God is.
Five – Victory and Depression
Back to Elijah for another lesson. 1 Kings 18:1 – 19:8 gives us a sequence of events that is incredible.
It includes Elijah’s confrontation with the prophets of Baal, prayer for rain and the answer and the threat from Jezebel on his life.
When you read the story, you see something remarkable happen to Elijah. Despite the incredible victories, there is an experience of true depression. Elijah flees for his life under the threat from Jezebel and asks God to allow him to die!
Sometimes, after we have experienced a great spiritual victory, we become vulnerable to an attack so vicious it blinds us to what God has just done! Elijah did what we should do. He went to a quiet place to seek God. Despair is not necessarily a bad thing. What we do in the face of despair is the test of our faith!
Six – Presence and Power
Another lesson about presence and power that is slightly different than lesson one. In 2 Kings 6:8-19, Elisha is in Dothan. When his servant gets up in the morning, he finds the city surrounded by a hostile army.
In alarm, he summons Elisha, who calms his fears asking God reveal his power and presence. The servant’s eyes are opened and he sees chariots of fire and horses all around them!
As long as we are doing what God wants us to do, we are indestructible! He protects us from ultimate harm until our work on earth is done, then he takes us home to be with him.
Seven – the Price of Disobedience
2 Kings 17:6-18 details the reason for the fall of Israel. God promised his people that they would always dwell on the land. He promised that they would prosper and enjoy life. But the promise was conditioned on their obedience.
Despite continual warnings from the prophets, the people insisted on disobedience and so, finally, God removed his hand of protection, the land was conquered and the people deported.
We cannot depend on the promises of God if we are not willing to do our part by being obedient. We cannot rebel against his leadership and expect his continual blessing and protection.
Your Turn
What lessons have you learned from 1 and 2 Kings? I know there are many more and I would love to hear from you.
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depression obedience power of God presence of God victory word of God
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