Lessons from the Books of Chronicles
Every book of the Bible teaches us something. In fact, there are many lessons to be learned in every book! If we are patient, we can extract lessons that help us understand God and ourselves just a little better.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
There are numerous passages in 1 and 2 Chronicles which are challenging. The books recount the history of Judah’s kings, so is similar to 1 and 2 Kings which give us the history of Israel’s and Judah’s kings.
Here are eight lessons that we can learn from these books. There are many more. I challenge you to read through and find more for yourself to help you grow!
From 1 Chronicles:
One – People are Important
In the first nine chapters we have hundreds of names listed in genealogies.
If you have ever been to a movie you have noticed credits at the end. Last year, I went to a movie that was loaded with special effects. As I sat through the closing credits, I saw thousands of names of people that were involved in the production of this movie. The credits rolled too fast to read all the names, even too fast for me to count them all. But every one of those people contributed to the success of the movie. They were part of the team that made it an unqualified commercial success. They truly were important.
Lists of names in the Bible serve a similar purpose. They are part of God’s story – his interaction with human history. They have a part, for better or worse.
You have a part, for better! While you struggle to pronounce every name or just skim through, know that these people are very important, just like you.
Two – Faith is Infectious
In chapter 20 verses 4-8, the writer lists mighty men who killed giants, after David had killed Goliath. The David and Goliath story gets well deserved praise, but the faith of David empowered the faith of others who would follow his example and kill giants.
I have told people before that if their faith is a little weak, they can borrow mine! These inspiring passages can empower our faith and help us understand that God will help us do anything he asks us to do – even the impossible.
From 2 Chronicles:
Three – God’s Presence Changes Plans
If you’re like me, you like to have plans in place. Predictability is a big plus! However, when we put God first, he often changes plans.
Solomon had built the temple. It was an enormous undertaking that required years of manual labor. The dedication was a magnificent ceremony. Sacrifices and singing marked this great event but then something happened that interrupted the whole experience! In chapter 5 verses 13 and 14 and again in chapter 7 verses 1 and 2, we see that God invaded the day with his glory. He manifested his presence in a great cloud that kept the priests from continuing their service of worship!
When we experience the manifest presence of God, things change. This is something I pray for all the time. I wonder what would happen if every follower of Jesus prayed for this as well!
Four – God’s Not Necessarily on Your Side!
We like to think God is on our side but what if he is not?
For the eyes of the Lord run to and for throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him. (16:9)
If we want God on our side, we must first ensure that we are wholeheartedly devoted to him. God loves us the way we are but he will not enable or empower selfishness, bitterness, immorality or any other sinful behavior. To think that we can continue in whatever way we want to live and still have his blessing and help is just wrong!
This is a strong warning – a warning we need to hear in today’s culture of consumerism.
Five – Desperation Can Be Good
There’s nothing like a desperate situation to reveal your character! King Jehoshaphat and his army were facing the combined armies of three nations. In the midst of that hopelessness he bares himself before God: “We are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.” (20:12)
God answered his prayer through the words of a prophet and the inspiration of selfishness. Jahaziel declared that they would not fight the battle and the combined armies turned on each other and were annihilated. Judah simple collected all the spoil of battle.
Often in life, we face desperate or even impossible situations. That is when God can work miracles in our lives. We must simply trust him. Desperation brings out the power of God when it stirs our faith!
Six – You Need to Finish Well
Twice in the latter part of the history of Judah as recorded here, kings made good righteous starts to their reign. Joash made a very good start in his reign only to succumb to pride, eventually killing a prophet who spoke up to correct him (24:20-22). Uzziah was another good king that turned bad. “But when he was strong, he grew proud to his destruction.” (26:16)
It is so important that we finish strong. Getting off to a good start doesn’t count for much at all if we abandon what we believe in. We must continually remind ourselves that God comes first. We are following Jesus not the desires of our own hearts!
Seven – Doing Everything Right Doesn’t Mean Everything Will Turn Out Right!
The story of Hezekiah is one of my favorites.
He leads a national revival. He reintroduces the people to their great covenant with God. He reestablishes worship, reintroduces the Passover and organizes the priesthood to better serve the people and the Lord.
Now listen to this:
Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and faithful before the Lord his God. And every work that he undertook in the service of the house of God and in accordance with the law and the commandments, seeking his God, he did with all his heart, and prospered.
After these things and these acts of faithfulness, Sennacherib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah and encamped against the fortified cities, thinking to win them for himself. (31:20-32:1)
When we are obedient and love and serve God with all our hearts, bad things can still happen to us. But we can be sure that God will be with us. I’m pretty sure that Hezekiah and the people wondered why this was happening to them. However, they continued to trust God and finally were delivered from the invaders!
So, when bad things happen, hold fast to your faith and watch what God does next!
Eight – True Repentance
Do we do the right thing for reward or because it is right?
Josiah came to the throne after the longest and most wicked king in their history. He led the people back to the Lord. During his reforms, they found the book of the law. It had been abandoned and forgotten but somehow God protected his word and brought it to light again under this good king.
Josiah heard the words of the law and immediately went into mourning for the people. He realized that the wrath of God was ready to be unleashed upon them. He sent for a prophet who confirmed his suspicions but assured him that he and his people were safe throughout his lifetime.
Some leaders would have breathed a sigh of relief at that news. But Josiah’s heart was changed and he continued to zealously lead the people back to God. That is true repentance.
When you do the right thing because it is right without regard to consequences good or bad, your heart is right with God. That is the way to live.
Your Turn
Read the books – it will take a while. Right down some lessons and grow in your walk with Jesus.
If this has been helpful to you, please share it with your friends and let me know how things are going!
Now available is the complete: Transformational Life Lessons from the Bible in Kindle format. Click here for more information.
4 Responses
Great summary! Chronicles is one of the hardest books for me to get through. Thanks for breaking it down into major themes. I will keep this in my Bible to remind myself.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, Lila! Diane left a great comment, too, that you might find interesting and helpful.
Very interesting and accurate observations. I did a walk-through in Chronicles concerning a situation at church, and by harvesting verses throughout the two books, the Lord gave me a strategy as to how leadership could deal with it. We followed the strategy, and the confrontation went reasonably well, better than expected. There is so much to learn from the Old Testament. When I became a Christian I found the OT to be somewhat of a huge forest that I wandered through but understood little. Later, when I began Bible study in earnest, it has become my favorite part of the Bible and I have gleaned so much out of it–even in the genealogy chapters in Chronicles. There are little tidbits right in the middle of some of those chapters.
Thanks, Diane! When we take the time to read carefully, God’s Word can always inspire and instruct us – even Chronicles!! I purposely left out those little tidbits in the genealogy chapters but you are right – those are some good lessons, too!
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