Five Life Changing Lessons from Ezra

blog to help followers of Jesus

Five Life Changing Lessons from Ezra

February 5, 2019 Bible Reading 0

There are so many lessons in the Bible. But they are of no use unless you put them into practice. Some lessons teach you something about God, some about people and some about how you are to behave.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Five Good Lessons from Ezra

God’s Mysterious Ways – Ezra 1:1

We have heard it said that God works in mysterious ways. Here in the introduction to the book, we see God stirring the heart of a pagan king. He puts in Cyrus’ heart the desire to build a temple in Jerusalem. That temple would be built and dedicated to God!

We cannot always know how and why God will work. But we should never make the mistake of assuming he will only work in one way. Sometimes his work is predictable – it happens among his people for his purposes. Many times, he surprises us in how he works.

God Stirs Hearts – Ezra 1:5

If you have had any kind of encounter with God, you are aware of how he can stir your heart. There is something unmistakable about that experience. Sometimes he prompts people to do great things; sometimes simple things. Frequently, he prompts people to move into a transformational relationship with him.

His profound work in the world nearly always starts when he touches hearts of people who respond positively to him.

Rebuild the Altar – Ezra 3:2-3

The altar was the central part of worship. Sacrifices for sin, guilt, worship, fellowship, cleansing and thanksgiving were made there. Prior to any building taking place, the altar was established. We cannot do anything of significance for God until we go to the altar!

There is a time of sacred fellowship with God that only happens when we are sacrificing. Many churches still have altars. We use them to pray and to make a sacrifice of our own lives! This is primary for every follower of Jesus.

Bold Faith – Ezra 8:21-23

Before they set out on the journey from Persia to Jerusalem, the people fasted and prayed. They carried with them an enormous fortune in gold and silver. Ezra had previously told the king that God would protect them. That statement of faith was now to be followed up with prayer and action.

They set out, prayed up, for the four month journey. God protected them along the way from danger and attack, proving their faith.

Sometimes, we have to make a declaration of bold faith and then follow through!

Real Repentance – Ezra 9:6-15

The people made a good start in obedience and worship and then fell into a dangerous lifestyle. Ezra’s prayer recorded in this passage is so profound. He doesn’t pray about ‘those people’ who sinned. He prays with a heart that has taken the sin of the people upon himself. He recognizes that sin among God’s people effects everyone in the body!

Just because he was okay with God, didn’t mean he could not pray a prayer of repentance for the sin of the people. In western culture, we are so invested in the individual that we neglect the corporate, to our own harm.

There is a place for this kind of prayer in the church today. Are you okay with God? That’s good. But there are many who are in the church who are not okay with God. There is unforgiven sin in the church. We should all be willing to go to our knees to ask God to forgive his church!

Your Turn

My turn, too. Did we learn the lessons from this book? I mean, really learn them? We only truly learn when we put these things into practice.

What will you do? What will I do?

I hope and pray that we will take the word seriously and change in light of all that God has revealed to us!

Now available is the complete: Transformational Life Lessons from the Bible in Kindle format. Click here for more information.