Faith – the Power to Move Mountains – and it’s Yours!
Sometimes, we throw the word faith around without much thought. We talk about our faith but don’t see much come from it. True faith is so powerful that it is beyond our imagination.

Here are the stunning words Jesus shared about it.
In the morning, as he was returning to the city, he became hungry. And seeing a fig tree by the wayside, he went to it and found nothing on it but only leaves. And he said to it, “May no fruit ever come from you again!” And the fig tree withered at once.
When the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, “How did the fig tree wither at once?” And Jesus answered them, “Truly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ it will happen. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
Matthew 21:18–22 (ESV)
Jesus act of cursing the fig tree was a demonstration of his power but also a demonstration of the power of faith. He used this moment to teach his disciples what faith could do.
The Mountain
He challenged the disciples to see not the fig tree but the mountain. In terms of magnitude comparing a fig tree to a mountain is ridiculous. But Jesus asserted that making the tree wither was easy, since you could also make a mountain move.
Of course, the mention of a mountain was not literal (or was it?) but an analogy.
Here are five mountains people face
A major challenge. At certain points of life you will face major challenges that have no obvious solution. In fact, the challenge is too big and beyond your ability and resources. It’s a challenge that you should not back down from but you don’t know where to start.
A major obstacle. When you have begun a work, started a project or taken on a new responsibility you may encounter an obstacle that stops you cold. Failure to overcome the obstacle means failure in what you started and that is not acceptable.
A major expense. What happens when suddenly your financial world get turned upside down with an unexpected expense? We can plan for emergencies but sometimes the emergencies are bigger than our plans. Facing these huge deficits can be intimidating and prompt us to make poor decisions.
A besetting sin. Everyone has a particular sin that plagues them. It is a sin that preys on a particular weakness in your life. It trips you up when things are going well and becomes a crutch when things are going poorly.
A destructive habit or addiction. Addictions are bad. They are generally unhealthy and usually bring crippling destruction to health and relationships. Because they are addictions, they generally cannot be overcome by willpower alone.
Jesus told his disciples that the answer to the mountain was faith. What he said about this faith was truly sensational!
This faith has no doubt. It’s a faith that moves mountains, or withers fig trees, upon command. The thing that is incredible is that what Jesus says about using that faith. A word commands the mountain to be removed!
This is a faith that changes things with a word. Notice how Jesus said that this kind of faith directly tells the mountain to be gone. It doesn’t even pause to pray that God move the mountain! This kind of faith is rarely expressed by followers of Jesus. However, I know of many followers who pray with this kind of faith. Jesus also commended the prayer of faith.
Prayer with faith is filled with expectation. It is the most important element of effective prayer. Asking God to do something and expecting him to do it and proceeding like it is done – that is faith. When we pray this way, we must also be in God’s will.
Fervency is also powerfully important. We are passionate about what we most believe in. When we are passionate for the kingdom our prayers are world changing.
And when we pray in agreement multiplies the effectiveness of our prayers. And in this instance that is exactly what Jesus is talking about. The ‘you’ and ‘pray’ are both second person plural meaning it is addressed to his disciples who perform the action together.
The exercise of faith in our prayers shakes everything up
No matter what your mountain is, ask God to give you the faith to move it!
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