How to Start with Success

blog to help followers of Jesus

How to Start with Success

August 20, 2019 Life change 0

Make a Good and Sustainable Start

start something great - and be successful!
Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

What great project or cause do you feel passionate about? What would you like to accomplish? You can make a start and see it through to completion. Of course, you cannot finish something you don’t start. Here is some solid guidance on deciding what to start, how to start, what to avoid to be successful and how to follow through.

When is it too late to start? Are you ever too old? Too young?

We live with certain ideas about when we can start something. We reserve specific things for specific periods of life. But we must be willing to discard all that nonsense! I completed my Bachelor’s Degree when I was 45. A slightly younger friend of mine just earned a Master’s Degree!

When I think about starting something, I ask myself: how many years do I have left. I ask that question because I am in my early 60’s. With my good health and family history, I realistically have about 30 years left. I can get some good things done.

I had a conversation with a friend yesterday who is excited about a big project to help the homeless. He is 78 years young!

Here is how to make a good start – and sustain it.

What to start

With everything we want to start, we must evaluate whether it is realistic or not. Some things we start demand more, some less. There are many things we may want to start: a career, relationship, hobby, service, education, relocation. All of these things have a specific trajectory.

Once you know what you want to start you need to know how.

How to start

Five things to help your start be successful. Your start should be:

Prayerful. Ask God to guide your efforts and your desires. You need his perfect guidance for a successful start. It may be that he stops your plans, but he will show you what you are to do next!

Careful. We must be realistic in our choices. At this point in my life, I accept the fact that I will never be a professional athlete! Take care, with God’s counsel, with what you choose to start. However, don’t be too quick to dismiss things. Just because something doesn’t fit into a traditional life chapter, location or family arrangement doesn’t mean that you should do it.

Wholehearted. When you make a start put yourself into it. Make a strong commitment in time, energy, preparation and thought. Half-hearted starts usually fail.

Optimistic. You’ve got to believe in yourself. Believe that what you start you will successfully complete. See the goal achieved, the task finished and the obstacles overcome.

Realistic. There are many things you should start that won’t be completed instantly or in a short period of time. A college degree typically takes four years. You might be able to complete it in 3 years but you won’t complete it in one semester! Understand that some of the most important things you accomplish in your life will take years, decades or even the rest of your life.

Establish goals for your project based on realistic expectations.

What to avoid

Three things to avoid

Negativity. No matter what you start, there are those who are negative. Put those voices out of your life! It’s important to simply crush negativity. There are those who will tell you they are only being ‘realistic’ but if their version of realism is negative, don’t listen. There are plenty of realistic optimists out there.

Criticism. You may need some correction along the way but avoid the critics. My dad used to say: ‘you can take any fool off the street to tell you what is wrong but it takes someone who is wise to give sound guidance.’ You don’t need critics in your life. You will probably be your own worst critic. Quiet that voice, too!

Too much, too soon. For example, if you’ve never written a word in your life, don’t try to write a ‘War and Peace’ type novel! I know that may be a ridiculous example but you get the picture, don’t you?

Three things to embrace

Encouragement. Find encouragers and positive people to pour into your life. Read success stories. Listen to those who have succeeded.

Guidance. No matter what you start get the best guidance you can find. Listen to experts, learn what works and apply it. Never be afraid to ask questions and listen to positive experience.

Process. It’s wise to find step by step procedures to follow. Do what you can today. I have written thousands of reports, essays, stories, blog posts and sermons. But I didn’t write them in a day! It’s taken years – most of my life. And I learned and followed a process to complete all of them. Nearly everything I have ever written followed a process that took several sessions over several days. Do what you can today.

Your turn

Start something!