Push the Pause Button – Relax, Here’s How!

blog to help followers of Jesus

Push the Pause Button – Relax, Here’s How!

October 25, 2019 Life change 0
We can be too busy. Overwhelmed? Pause and regroup!

Why is there a pause button on my television remote? Simply, it allows me to stop viewing without missing anything. I use it all the time.

Can we have a pause button on our lives? Why not?

Sometimes we sail effortlessly through every day. Sometimes we struggle to make it through. During those times it would be nice if we could just take a pause, to step back and regroup.

Even if we can’t make things stand still, we should take a pause in the midst of those difficult times. It is easy to be consumed by circumstances. So if you are being overwhelmed by trials, stress, anxiety, criticism or difficulties, take a pause.

Questions to ask during a pause

When you pause, it would be helpful for you to ask some important questions.


Sometimes we do things out of obligation or habit. Sometimes those things add no real value to our lives or the lives of others. It is easy for us to become so busy doing things that really don’t matter. When we ask why, we may find out that we can immediately reduce our stress by reducing our activity.

Will it matter?

When we are close to challenges and difficulties, we can easily overlook the big picture. It helps to answer this question: will it matter in a year? Five years? Ten years? Answering these questions brings perspective.

Things to do during a pause

If you can pause for an hour or so, take the time to help yourself. Here are seven things to do during a pause.

Pray. Take time to talk to God about how you are feeling and ask for his counsel.

Read your Bible. Be aware that this is God’s Word and he may speak to you during this time. The answer may be in the pages you read.

Meditate. Take time to relax your mind and body. It will relieve some of your stress and anxiety.

Be silent. Use silent time to listen to yourself and God. We are bombarded with media. We are bombarded with demands on our time and energy. Take a break.  

Take a walk. A little physical activity can do wonders for your mental clarity. It’s good for your blood pressure, circulation and state of mind.

Talk to a trusted friend. However, don’t let it turn into a pity party. Someone who is outside your circumstances enjoys a perspective you just don’t have.

Reevaluate. Near the end of your pause, you may come to the realization that things need to change. Formulate a new course of action or changes that you need to make.

Things to do after a pause

Consider slowing your life down. This will involve some changes, so…

Implement those changes. Some changes should be immediate, others you can probably phase in. Be deliberate and firm in making these changes. Stay with it for a while. You can always revise your course of action a little later.

Today, pause. Take some time to escape the pressure you are under and see how things can get better for you. Share your experience in the comments and take the time to connect with us on our Facebook page.