Could This Be the Best Way to Communicate?

blog to help followers of Jesus

Could This Be the Best Way to Communicate?

November 1, 2019 communicate 0

Would you like to know how to most effectively communicate the most important thing? The answer is short. So is this post. Here it comes. Learn how to be brief.

Communicate in this way for maximum impact!
Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

We are allotted a few years on this earth. Make the most of them. You may have only a few minutes to say something important. Make the most of them. Please, let me illustrate.

Real Life

Every year, in my tradition, pastors gather to give reports in district assemblies. Some pastors get up and drone on and on. When you listen to them, it’s almost torture! I mean, some pastors should not be public speakers. One year, the pastors in Virginia, where I was pastoring at the time, had enough. They restricted the reports to one minute.

What happened next was nothing short of amazing. We all set out to pack maximum impact and creativity into one minute. During the first ‘one-minute reporting’ assembly, there was a clearly discernable increase of energy in the room. The reports were crisp, powerful, inspiring and entertaining.

We never went back.

Your Life

What is the most important thing you need to communicate today? Try this exercise. Instead of sharing all the background and thought processes that go into what you want to share, just share the truth. By focusing your communication in this way, the potential for impact greatly increases.

Just as the laser as focused light has a powerful impact, your words can too. When you are brief, as in the story I just related, special things happen. Our reports went from long to short, from boring to exciting and from lifeless to inspiring.

Brief and on point communication wins every time! And that’s why I will end here.

Try it. It will make your life better and will inspire someone along the way.