When Common is Extraordinary!
Do you ever feel like you don’t have much talent? Most of the world is of the common variety! I am and you probably are, too! But you can be extraordinary if you know how – and I will show you how.

Have you ever visited a museum or gallery? As you looked at the paintings hanging on the wall did you notice the frames? Do you even go into a place like that to look at frames?
If you want your life transformed from common to extraordinary, think of yourself as the frame. God is the artist. He has created you to frame his extraordinary work.
Should We Strive to be Common or Ordinary?
No! I am sure that we have unique purposes and great value no matter what we feel about ourselves. We should never try to minimize who we are in that way. It is too easy to put ourselves down when we do that.
Instead, we should strive to be used by God. How do we make ourselves into a perfect ‘frame’ to display the glory of God? Here are five things to strive for.
Five Keys
Be open
Allow yourself to consider every possibility of how God may use you. Don’t put up limits for God to work. When God called Moses from the burning bush, Moses was able to recite numerous reasons why he wasn’t the one and finally, after God had answered all his objections, ask God to just send someone else. We know that Moses did go and God used him in a miraculous way. So be open to anything God asks you to do.
Be available
Don’t be too busy doing your own thing that you can’t do God’s thing! When we are overloaded with our own agenda, we don’t adequately allow God a place to work in our lives. Make yourself available for God to use. Remind yourself of your availability as you pray each day.
Be obedient
My friend tells me that the most important thing you can do for God is the next thing he asks you to do. He’s right. Do the next thing God asks you to do. And he will start painting his masterpiece into your life.
Be humble
Moses was humble. You’re not Moses and neither am I. If ever anyone had a reason to boast it was Moses but his life was always about what God would do through his obedience. Remind yourself that you are just the frame holding the masterpiece of God. This is a great privilege and responsibility and will pour incredible joy into your life but it really isn’t all about you. It’s about him.
Be teachable
None of us knows it all. We never will. Allow God to teach you through his word and through people he puts in your life. Be excited about learning new things every day. As I start my time in the word daily, I ask God to teach me something new about himself, his plan and also about me. Allow him to pour new knowledge and understanding into your life.
Don’t despise the ordinary or common. See the potential in yourself and everywhere else. God can use anybody and anything to showcase his power and glory.
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