5 Keys to Power Consistency
Consistency is one of the most important indicators that we are growing and thriving as followers of Jesus. Are you consistent in your spiritual life? Do you want to be? Read on…

Life is full of ups and downs. When we continually live like Jesus, following him every day, we are truly living the abundant life and our lives prove to be an inspiration to others. This consistency changes our world.
Yet consistency is strangely elusive! So many followers admire those who walk in a consistent manner but don’t know how to do it or haven’t made the necessary changes in their lives.
What are the most important things that we do to gain consistency in our walk with Jesus? Here are five essential for a consistent spiritual walk.
5 Keys
Daily prayer
Spending time in prayer every single day strengthens us for the twists and turns of life. No compromise in this area is acceptable.
Daily time in the Word
God’s word is an anchor point for our faith. When we feed ourselves daily with spiritual truth, we grow stronger. We cannot have consistency when we are starving for the truth! This is another no compromise area.
Weekly worship and fellowship
This can be a very hard discipline to establish. But failure to engage in worship and fellowship each week damages our faith profoundly. There are multiple times to gather for worship in nearly every community. Find the time, find the place in a strong Bible believing and teaching church, and let nothing stand in your way. Again, do not compromise or make excuses. For your time of worship each week, there is nothing more important to do – NOTHING!
Guarding relationships
We must ask of every relationship: “Is (insert name here) making me more like the world, or am I making (insert name here) more like Jesus?” If we are going in the wrong direction, it’s time to drastically change the nature of the relationship. Likewise, we want to build our relationships with everyone who helps us become more like Jesus! We need these people in our lives!
Service in the Kingdom of God
When we find a place of service, it puts us in a place of repeated obedience. Whether our service is big or little by human standards, all that we do in obedience is absolutely huge! We may serve in traditional ways: Sunday School teacher, usher, greeter. Or we may serve in less traditional ways: shut-in visitation, phone call prayer, card writer. Whatever God wants us to do, when we do it week in and week out, it builds great consistency.
When you do these five things, you begin to gain a level of consistency in your life that will help you grow spiritually. It will help others grow spiritually as well. You will be an inspiration and encouragement to others. All this is world changing! All this is abundant living! That’s what we are here to do!!
Get Serious
Did this help you? If you truly want to move into a better level of consistency, you will need to immediately put these five keys into action. In order to better remember these five things, make a deliberate effort to share this with someone else today. Research shows that we remember 90% of what we teach others. So here is your opportunity to make a big impact on someone’s life – and your own, too.
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