3 Transformational Reasons to Follow Jesus
Why do you follow Jesus? How often do we do things without knowing why? In fact, one of the great ways to unclutter your life is to ask that question repeatedly as you eliminate the habits and work you’ve grown accustomed to doing.

So, why follow Jesus? Why not give him a respectful place in your life and largely ignore him. Isn’t not following easier than following?
Enough questions – now, some answers.
Most of us have experienced the failures that come with this life when we live by our own counsel. I have messed my life up! And, without perfect guidance, will continually mess it up. I simply don’t have the knowledge and skill to make my life as good as it could be.
We have something inside us that is unfulfilled without Jesus. There is a yearning in every heart for spiritual fulfillment. All around us people are seeking something to fill that void. It is huge in our culture and, in fact, in every culture since ancient times.
Jesus is the best answer for who to follow.
I know that sounds a little narrow minded but my experience and the experience of millions of others testifies to that reality. Here is why he is the best one to follow:
He promised eternal life. When we believe in him, when we are continually following him, we know in our hearts that we are living that eternal life. There is incredible peace and joy in that life.
He promised abundant life. We live to the full when we follow Jesus. The things we do, the places we go, the things we see all testify to abundant life.
He promised that we would do even greater things than he did! Even since Jesus walked on the earth, his followers have been changing the world. Sometimes, followers make a dramatic change to an entire nation. Sometimes, followers who have had great change in their own lives, see the change extended to their families and friends. The greater things? More has been accomplished by Jesus followers than he did in his three years of ministry on earth.
Of course, followers of Jesus are simply doing the things he directs them to do. He is personally orchestrating a movement that is changing the world.
While other spirituality movements seem to focus on personal peace and tranquility, followers of Jesus experience love, joy, peace and every good and perfect gift as a biproduct of a life-changing walk! These gifts are abundantly given to every follower.
Your Choice to Follow
Following Jesus is a life choice. He still calls on us to follow him. He still provides perfect leadership. He saves us from destructive choices and lifestyles and directs us along a holy path. As long as we continue to follow him, we will experience every good thing he has for us. He even takes the bad things that happen to us and orchestrates them into a good result (for us and for those in fellowship with us).
There is very much to love about following Jesus and there are plenty of people to help us along the way.
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