Spiritual Recovery – A Short Guide

blog to help followers of Jesus

Spiritual Recovery – A Short Guide

February 20, 2020 forgiveness prayer 0
Spiritual Recovery is essential after you fall. Here's how.
Photo by RU Recovery Ministries on Unsplash

Spiritual recovery is necessary because we are human. There is nothing that says we must sin. The Bible explicitly tells us that for every temptation there is a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). It also tells us that when we follow Jesus we don’t continue to sin.

However, because we are weak or immature sometimes we fall. How do we get back up?

Spiritual Recovery Starts Here

Our first step to recovery is to repent of our sin. As followers of Jesus, we never want to fall into a sinful lifestyle. We want our lives to be holy and pure. If we sin, we must immediately ask God to forgive us and help us head in the right direction again.

The next step to recovery is to resume all your normal spiritual activities. Remember, a single mistake doesn’t mean that you start all over again. You correct the mistake through confession and prayer. Jesus forgives you and restores you to your place. Once again, the grace of God puts you in a position of favor with your Father in heaven.

Our spiritual recovery is completed when we come to grips with the consequences of our actions. Sometimes that isn’t much. Sometimes it is. For example, if your sin has legal consequences, it may be as extreme as a trial and jail time! I know someone that happened to. Other times, a simple apology will suffice. It’s important that you accept and embrace the consequences of your sin.

Protection for the Future

While God always provides a way for us to get our spiritual footing back, it’s better if we never fall. How can we minimize the chances of another spiritual blunder?


The first line of defense is prayer. Crying out to God for forgiveness is proper when we fall but prayer can help us keep from falling. Daily prayer for strength and spiritual growth will prepare you for further temptation. And temptation will always come.

Bible Reading

Getting God’s word in you is essential for spiritual growth and health. His word, hidden in your heart, always helps you with daily life.


Being in fellowship with other believers will encourage you and the accountability of those relationships keeps you moving in the right direction.


While avoidance is not always possible, it is possible to avoid some difficult or tempting situations. The obvious example I always share is this: if you are an alcoholic, don’t go into a bar to drink a Coke! You can identify situations, relationships or places where you will face temptation. Avoid those places.

Get Serious about Spiritual Recovery

What do you need to do today? If you have stumbled, take the simple steps outlined above and then continue on your spiritual journey. If you haven’t already done so, subscribe for weekly emails that will help you grow. Just fill in the form on the sidebar of this article. And join our Facebook page.

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