Why Bible Reading is the Most Important Thing You Can Do

Bible reading is the most important factor in your spiritual growth. While prayer is essential, it is basically breathing out our experiences and requests and hearts to God. Bible reading is God breathing out his heart to us!
The Bible is the story of God and how he has interacted with his people throughout history. It is for every follower of Jesus.
The Bible contains timeless principles, specific directions, transformational truth and helpful guidance. It will continually help you follow Jesus by revealing the heart and desires of God.
Daily Bible Reading
It is absolutely essential that you set aside a specific time and place where you will read your Bible every single day!
The habit of Bible reading will allow God’s word to penetrate your heart and mind. We are constantly bombarded with worldly values. We must feast on God’s values as found in the Bible.
Ignoring you Bible while you try to follow Jesus will lead to frustration and make you vulnerable to false teachers! You want to follow the truth and the Bible is truth!
So many false and misleading narratives are being shared, particularly on social media, that have the sound of truth but are not. Unless you know the truth, you will have trouble identifying untruth. Just because something sounds spiritual doesn’t make it God’s word.
There are many ways to read your Bible. Depending on how long you have been a follower, you may read just a chapter a day or, like many people, the entire Bible every single month (but it takes quite a while to get to that point).
Take the time to get to know your Bible. As you read, pray and ask God to reveal his truth to you. If you’re just starting out, begin in the New Testament with books like John or Mark. Eventually, you will want to read the entire New Testament.
Be systematic. Random reading yields random results and greatly increases the chances that you will misunderstand or take scripture out of context.
As you read, you will find you have more capacity to absorb God’s truth and a greater appetite for more of his word! This is a good thing! Read, pray, read some more and watch what happens to your spiritual life.
Get Serious about Bible Reading
The more you read (and pray) the easier it will be to see where Jesus is leading you! So, set aside the time. Discipline yourself to be consistent. Shut out distractions and interruptions and give yourself time to be with the Word of God. And do it now!!
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