From Panic Prayer to Purpose Prayer

We have all been in the place of panic prayer. Things have gone horribly wrong and you cry out for God to help you. There’s nothing wrong with that. But if that’s the only way you pray, you’ve got a big problem and something needs to change.
Panic Prayer
The disciples had at least one moment of panic prayer. It happened when Jesus had gone up to the mount of transfiguration. A man brought his son to them for healing. The boy was possessed by an evil spirit and the situation was desperate. The disciples did their best but couldn’t cast the demon out. Their efforts turned into a spectacle that was attracting a crowd when Jesus finally arrived on the scene and relieved their futility. (You can read the whole story in Mark 9:14-29.)
The disciples wondered why they had been unsuccessful. Jesus explained to them: “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” Mark 9:29 (ESV)
It is not recorded that Jesus prayed when he cast our the evil spirit, so what did he mean?
Purpose Prayer
Jesus prayed with purpose. The gospels record the many times he prayed through the night, early in the morning or in a deserted place. He got with the Father to get direction, help with decisions, find strength and resolve. That communication helped him stay on track with his mission on earth. The purpose of his coming was kept strong through prayer.
When Jesus told his disciples that this kind is only driven out by prayer, he was talking about this purposeful prayer time. In this time, he was able to achieve unity with the Father. When the crisis came, he didn’t have to resort to panic prayer to make something good happen. He had built his life and ministry on purpose prayer.
How Will You Pray?
Purpose prayer is centered on our relationship with God. Communication is absolutely critical in every relationship.
Prayer is our communication with God. It is essential for us to have a time of prayer every day. This is a dedicated time for one on one talk with God just as Jesus did.
While it is also important that we spend time throughout the day praying – we can pray about anything, anytime – we need focused time in prayer.
Without distraction and interruption, this time is our time to hear from God and to share our hearts and concerns with him.
Important to this time of prayer are: worship and adoration, submission, asking for personal needs, praying for others and listening for his voice.
Many books have been written about prayer but we get better at praying by praying. The model prayer given by Jesus in Matthew 6 is, of course, an excellent guide.
Your time of prayer should be in the same place and at the same time every day, if at all possible. It is advisable to start your day with prayer and this approach is highly recommended and works for nearly everyone.
Make this time sacred and firm, not allowing anything to overrun it or displace it. You will find great strength from your time of prayer and it will make you a stronger, healthier follower of Jesus.
There will still be times of panic prayer but the more you practice purpose prayer, the more you will be able to face the challenges that come into your life without panic.
Get Serious
Decide today to spend focused prayer time in order to grow your relationship with God, find power for living and the peace and confidence in all the circumstances of life.
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