Are You Taking Time to Worship?

blog to help followers of Jesus

Are You Taking Time to Worship?

May 18, 2020 Lifestyle 0
Worship is a central activity for followers of Jesus.
Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

From the reading of scripture, we observe that one of the central activities of heaven is worship. All the glorious host of heaven, all those who are saved and dwelling in heaven eternally will be gathered together to sing and praise and glorify God. We will share in the glory and majesty of heaven as we experience God in all his fullness.

During this time, our patterns of life have been greatly disrupted. Many of us simply cannot gather together to worship. However, that does not diminish its value.

The Priority

As a follower of Jesus, worship must be a high priority. In fact, it should be so important that it is the one thing you do every single week! Throughout scripture, worship is described in many ways. Often, it is written that a single person worshiped. Many times, it happens with just a few people. In the early days of the church, it happened in houses, meaning the numbers were small.

When we read the Bible, we see that all of God’s plans for his people are plans for us to do things together. This includes worship. When we neglect this, we are not really following his desires for us.

When we follow Jesus, we will naturally find a place to worship with other followers of Jesus. As we gather together there is power and encouragement. In our days, there are still many opportunities to worship with other believers through live-streaming or on line in other ways.

The Psalmist says that God is enthroned on the praise of his people (Psalm 22:3). So, as we glorify and praise God together, we experience his manifest presence.

When we worship, we must focus on God. It is all about him. It’s not about any individual or group that might be on the platform or in the congregation. We can be too easily distracted by the people around us. Sometimes, our experience with those people leads us to stay away from worship. That must not happen.

When we fix our hearts on God, when we reflect on all Jesus has done for us, he enables us to worship in spirit and in truth.

Worship Today

When we take the time to reflect on who God is and what he has done, our natural response should be one of worship. This is expressed in many ways but it is always experienced before it is expressed.

Make it your determination to never neglect this essential for your spiritual health.