The Surprising Power of Submission

Submission is a highly prized value of the Kingdom of God! We are not comfortable with the idea of being submissive to those around us. As we grow up, we yearn for the day of independence and autonomy!
Being submissive doesn’t mean being weak. In fact, it puts you in a position of strength, allowing the Spirit of God to lead and empower you for transformational service for Jesus.
Biblical Submission
Jesus told his disciples that they could not even follow unless they took up their cross daily! That means that every follower is ready to die every day for Jesus. It means we have voluntarily given up our right to live, to chart our course, even to rebel and change our minds!
Further, we are told in Ephesians that we must submit to one another out of reverence for Christ! Wow! That’s not at all what the world looks like!
But we aren’t here to look like the world! We are here to look like Jesus. Jesus submitted to his Father’s leadership and plan. He demonstrated this in his life and death! This is ultimate submission. We must embrace this lifestyle, just as Jesus did.
What Does this look like?
Our first level of submission is to God. In all things we submit to God. He is the ultimate authority for our lives. We commit to obedience to his word and leadership. In order to practically submit, we must know what God wants. We discover this through prayer and Bible reading.
Our next level of submission is to the leaders God has placed over us. This means that we submit to our pastors and teachers. It even means, to a limited degree, we submit to governing authority. However, submission at this level must never violate submission to God. Our first allegiance is to him.
Sadly, too many professing Christians are willing to pledge allegiance to human rulers, even when that commitment ends up violating their commitment to God.
The third level of submission is to one another. This is the very practical level of submission that difuses every church conflict that arises! I have never seen a conflict in church that would not be solved if both parties embraced this kind of submission. Yet, it is a very specific command of scripture (Ephesians 5:21).
Once again, this level of submission cannot violate the higher levels. We do not submit to one another while ignoring the requirement to submit to authority or to God.
Get Serious!
We are called upon to conscientiously humble ourselves under the hand of God. We can trust him. He will care for us! It doesn’t feel natural and it is not easy.
We certainly need his help but our willingness releases his power to help us! Today, decide that you will be submissive to God and his will and leadership for you.
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