Is Your Love Unconditional?

blog to help followers of Jesus

Is Your Love Unconditional?

June 22, 2020 Love 0
Unconditional love is the key!
Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

If you are to love as Jesus said, it must be unconditional love!

Love is the great commandment. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus was clear about these two being the most important.

Love in this context means unconditional love. It is quite different than the conditional love so common today! We tend to love those who love us, those who have done something for us. Yet, Jesus tells us to love even our enemies.

Loving God

When we love God, we love him without condition but it is relatively easy because he has lavished his love on us. Loving God as we ought means we trust him and continue to express our love for him no matter what circumstances we face in life.

Loving God means we serve him and his purposes. It means we don’t try to bend his will to ours or align his values with ours. Loving God is a complete surrender of how we think, what we say and what we do. Complete!

Loving Others

When we love others without condition it means we love them no matter what they do to us or for us! It means they don’t earn our love.

Unconditional love crosses all boundaries: race, creed, culture, language, extremes and even hatred! We love those who seem unlovable to us. It may seem hard but God will help us.

Choosing Unconditional Love

This love is not a feeling or emotion. It’s something we decide to do. Followers of Jesus have decided that they will love others, no matter what!

When we decide to love, we begin to tap into the love of God – the source of all love! We participate in the nature of God. It is then that we begin to experience the transformational power of God. As we live a life of love we soon find that we cannot help but love people!

It is a wonderful experience to love God, be loved by God and to love others with unconditional love! Deciding to love is one the of the best decisions you can ever make!

Begin to love unconditionally today!