A Surprise Enemy Is Ruining Your Spiritual Growth
Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash
Are you in a rut with your spiritual growth? There is a hidden enemy that may be keeping you from moving ahead. That enemy is distraction.
Distractions are those things that keep you from the great things God desires for you. And not all distractions are sin! We can easily identify the sins that hurt our spiritual health so distractions are something we may not realize are hurting us.
When we follow Jesus, we know that we must avoid sin. That is an early lesson that we learn. But there are distractions that can hurt our walk with Jesus. Author Jim Collins said: “Good is the enemy of great.”
Jesus desires great things for us. Anything that keeps us from those great things are distractions. And everyone is different. Someone else’s distraction may not be yours and yours may not be someone else’s. So we cannot necessarily look to others for specific things.
Where to Start
Ask God, “What is distracting me from you?” Begin to examine your life. What keeps you from doing the things you know God wants you to do? What things rob you of worship time? Prayer time? Bible time?
These things could be entertainments like sports, hobbies or television. They could be things we indulge in like food, travel or socializing. None of these things are bad in themselves but are they keeping you from living a life of following Jesus?
And these things may not become distractions if you are disciplined enough to put them in their place. In many cases that is all you will have to do. Instead of being engaged in your favorite activities every day for hours, you may have to cut down on them. If they are keeping you from doing what you need to do to grow, you must make changes.
It is hard to give up these distractions because we enjoy them. In order to do so, we must totally trust God. We must believe that what God has in store for us is so much better! And it is!!
When we settle the question, the answer to this question becomes easier. God is our life. Whatever distracts from that, good or bad, must be eliminated! This choice becomes easier with time and will soon become automatic!
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