3 Powerful Truths for Your Best Life

We’ve heard so much lately on how to live your best life. The Bible is full of counsel and instruction on how to live. It is not a shallow or fragile life but one that is deep and strong and effective. You should be able to weather every storm life throws at you. And there is a way to do it! Here are three powerful truths to guide you.
Follow the Commandments
You might think I am starting off on a rather low note, but God’s commandments are there to guide us. They are guardrails to keep us on a good and safe path. In fact, we can view the commandments as a lamp. The light from the lamp allows us to see those guardrails and follow the road before us.
If you have ever driven through the mountains, you will see plenty of guardrails. They are there to keep you from plunging into deadly canyons or steep mountainsides. If we carefully follow the road, we will never need to use the guardrails.
The light of God’s commandments help us follow the road he has laid out. Your best life is the life God has for you. So we must be careful to learn and follow those commandments. God’s light will then illuminate your path so you can safely move forward.
Embrace the teaching of God’s Word
The Bible gives us everything we need to know about living within the will and with the power of God in our lives. No other book is required to light the way to salvation and eternal life! But it also teaches us about love, relationships, work, human nature, reconciliation, crisis intervention, decision making and so much more.
The Bible is the light of life and teaches comprehensively how to live your best life. God’s Spirit helps us understand and apply biblical truth to our lives. He also helps us establish habits and routines to keep us on the good path.
Live a lifestyle of discipline
Clearly, the most successful people are disciplined people. When we are disciplined, we do the right things, control our urges and appetites, usually view instant gratification with disdain and learn and follow good practices.
People who live with discipline accept reproof and correction, knowing that we all make mistakes. If you are to be successful, you must have discipline and be willing to make changes in your life.
Jesus promised us not only eternal life but abundant life. He keeps his promises. However, we have a part to play. We will live an abundant life only if we follow him. That key condition sets us up for a life of peace and joy and love.
And then…
While following commandments, teachings and discipline may sound like unpleasant chores, the opposite is really the case. Remember that God’s ways are not our ways and what seems right to us is not right to God. Remember that God’s will is always good and pleasing and perfect (Romans 12:2).
If you want to live your best life, remember this.
For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light,
and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life.
Proverbs 6:23 (ESV)
This leads us to the final point of this discussion – that these things are a way of life.
This analogy may help reframe this discussion. Think of the commands as guardrails, the teaching as the road and discipline as the brake, accelerator and steering wheel of your life! As followers of Jesus, as those who seek and live the abundant life, we know that we must continually obey, learn and discipline ourselves. This is clearly the best way to live.
Your turn
Are you ready? Dig into God’s Word today. Discover his ways. Explore the truth. Apply his statutes to your life. Ask him to change you and guide you to a radical transformation.
Now available is the complete: Transformational Life Lessons from the Bible in Kindle format. Click here for more information.
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