Whatever Happened to Faith?

blog to help followers of Jesus

Whatever Happened to Faith?

August 31, 2023 faith 0
Faith is essential for miracles to happen
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Faith is credited with not only salvation but healing and deliverance in the pages of the Bible. Why don’t we see more of these miracles today in an era of increased mental and physical illness?

Some believe that miracles such as this no longer happen and that they were confined to the age of the Bible. However, there is nothing within the Word of God that indicates that miracles ceased when the apostolic age ended. Sometimes it sounds to me like this doctrinal stance is just an excuse for a lack of faith as we are submerged in the age of reason.

When we examine the ministry of Jesus on earth, it is clearly stated that faith had a huge role to play in his healing and deliverance ministry. We are told that even Jesus could not do many miracles in Nazareth because of their lack of faith. (Mark 6:5-6)

He repeatedly told people that their faith had healed them! In fact, it was faith in concert with the power of God that brought healing.

So, why are things different today?

We are so convinced that everything must make sense! There must be a reason and things must be reasonable and logical for us to accept as true. When we are convinced of this, we have little room for miracles and our faith simply doesn’t accommodate that reality.

What needs to change?

I have witnessed miracles of healing. It really does still happen. That is the first thing we must accept. When people have faith, the impossible and illogical can become reality! That is the way of God when we believe.

Faith like a mustard seed, like a child, makes miracles happen. And it is not necessarily the size of your faith that matters but your perception of the power of God! Even when our faith wavers, God’s power can bridge the gap. When a desperate father brought his suffering son to Jesus, he was in just such a state. Here is part of their conversation:
“But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” And Jesus said to him, “ ‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

Mark 9:22-24(ESV)

Then Jesus healed the child!

We may find ourselves in the same situation as the father here. And it is okay. Just a shred of hope, a sliver of belief can fuel a miracle!

How can we build our faith?

When we spend time in the Word of God, we begin to comprehend the power of God. That is the absolute starting point for believing in miracles today. God’s power is not diminished, nor is his love, mercy and grace. Dwelling in his word and allowing his word to dwell in us has a transformational effect!

Praying with anticipation and expectation is also essential for us to build our faith to new levels. There are some essentials to keep in mind as you pray so it’s important not to neglect those but when we begin to pray believing we will witness the power of God to change lives we won’t be disappointed.

Finally, be persistent. Believing in God’s power and work is a lifelong pursuit. No circumstance or difficulty diminishes God’s ability to do his work so keep on believing, praying, worshiping and expecting. He will sustain you as you mature spiritually and you will see miracles!