Do You Have a Guardian Angel?

It is popular to fall back on the thought that we each have a guardian angel looking over us to protect and help us. But is that biblical or just a comforting tradition?
Angels in the Bible
As always, we should first look at the Bible to help us discern the role of angels and how they can help us. Here are some of the passages that include angels.
There is a lengthy account of two angels, along with a third ‘man’ in Genesis 18-19. As the narrative develops it is finally revealed that at least two of the men were angels and the third was perhaps the incarnate Jehovah. The two angels rescue Lot, his wife and daughters from the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
An angel brought a message to Gideon in Judges 6:11-12 and in Judges 13 another angel announced the upcoming birth of Samson. In 1 Kings 19 an angel helps Elijah flee from the wrath of Jezebel. And in book of Daniel, the angel Gabriel helped Daniel understand the visions that he had seen.
When we get to the New Testament, Gabriel once again appears, this time to Mary, to announce the coming Messiah. An angel visits Joseph to reveal how Joseph should proceed during the pregnancy of Mary and early childhood of Jesus. Angels ministered to Jesus after his temptation in the wilderness.
An interesting passage in Acts raises the question of whether the New Testament church believed in guardian angels. In chapter 12, Peter was arrested and subsequently miraculously released by an angel of the Lord. After he had walked away from the prison, the angel left him and he went to a place where the church was praying. He knocked on the door and called out. The servant girl recognized his voice but, in her excitement, didn’t open the door but rushed back to the crowd inside to announce that Peter was there. At first, they did not believe her but thought that it was ‘his angel’ (verse 15).
There are many more instances of angels doing the work of God in the Bible, so this is a small sampling.
What do we believe?
From these passages, we can see that angels carry messages from God and also helped individuals who were in dangerous circumstances. Angels carry out the will of God. Much has been written and even more speculated on who angels really are, what their role is and if there is a personal guardian angel for each of us.
The heart of God’s word is always about God himself. He uses visions, angels, prophets, dreams, his own Son and his own voice to lead and guide his people. There is no biblical evidence that we each have a guardian angel but there is more than enough assurance that God loves us, watches over us and helps us through all of life. He will not leave us or forsake us.
Will he send an angel to help us? Maybe he will. Has he assigned an angel for each of us? Maybe he has. This is something that is fun to think about and talk about and we can do so without anxiety because of who God is.
As you go through your life, know that he is always there and always faithful. Take great comfort knowing that he will use whatever he knows is best to watch over and help us. God is always close and, I like to think, there are angels close by as well!
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