Month: June 2024

blog to help followers of Jesus

Grace and Peace – Essentials for Right Now

Grace and peace are gifts from God that we are to share with everyone around us. But expressions of grace and peace are lacking from the church today. We live in a time of conflict and division. Factions are publicly attacking each other. Words from the pulpit and the pew are too frequently words of…
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June 25, 2024 0

How to Add the Essential Quality of Discernment

Discernment is defined by these words: the ability to perceive and understand things, especially those things that might seem hidden. Discernment takes concentration, patience and thought. We live in a world of snap judgments and overreactions. Personal conflicts, susceptibility to false teaching and misinformation and poor judgment are the fruit of a life that lacks…
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June 11, 2024 0