The Incredible Power of Mercy

What is mercy?
Mercy can be accurately described as compassion and forgiveness. It is a quality we would like to see in others, especially those who know us!
An honest appraisal of our lives necessarily leads us to the conclusion that we need to experience mercy. We are flawed and have made grave errors in our lives. We have all had seasons of loss or suffering which left us feeling isolated or, at least, profoundly hurt. It is in those times that we have craved mercy.
So, how can we be assured that mercy will be available to us when we need it most?
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Matthew 5:7 (ESV)
Jesus’ promise
The words that Jesus spoke to his disciples on this occasion taught them one of the principles of his Kingdom. When we are merciful, we are assured that mercy will be given to us! This is the incredible power of mercy.
This leads us to a call on our lives to be merciful.
Expressions of mercy
When we see people suffering, compassion should be our response. Compassion sees suffering and compels us to respond with action. You cannot go out into the world without being exposed to someone who is deeply in need of compassion. They may not show it. It might be obscured or it might be obvious. But when we perceive the need, our response is important.
We can express compassion in many ways: words of encouragement, financial assistance, prayer and even a hug!
When someone has wronged us, we must be forgiving. Forgiveness is a profound expression of mercy. And it can be hard to forgive. However, the alternatives to forgiveness are difficult to experience. Based on what Jesus said, we cannot expect forgiveness if we are unwilling to forgive. Not only that, we know that if we refuse to forgive, we only hurt ourselves. An unforgiving spirit is one that is bitter and poisons every relationship that we have.
Here’s the blessing
God will bless all those who are merciful. Since he is faithful, how can anyone lose by being merciful? Specifically, God promises his infinite mercy for those who are merciful. I know that it doesn’t specifically say ‘infinite mercy’ in the text, but God has infinite mercy, doesn’t he?
And the concept of being blessed is overwhelming – happy, contented, at peace, secure, and favored by God! That is worth more than we can even imagine. So the blessings continue to flow into our lives if we continue to pay attention and live the life God has called us to.
Your turn
This short post reminds us that we have an obligation to be merciful. Yet that obligation is spoken with such grace that we embrace this opportunity to live out the life we are called to. Jesus was more merciful than anyone who ever walked the face of the earth. He continues to bless with his mercy millennia later!
Take stock of your life and attitude. Forgive everyone who awaits your forgiveness; intentionally exercise compassion on those around you who are suffering.
Then, experience the blessing of God’s mercy!
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