The Pure in Heart – The Greatest Reward Ever!

Jesus declared that the pure in heart would be blessed. How does this work? And what does it mean to be pure in heart?
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8 (ESV)
Pure in heart
When something is pure, it is complete without any contaminant or alloy. When the heart is pure, it is morally perfect, wholly given and devoted to God. There is a wholeness that is reflective of the original creation of man in the image of God.
It also means we have an undivided loyalty and allegiance to God. We are not part-time followers of Jesus but follow him every moment of every day; we appeal to him for guidance, justice, strength, power, grace and his presence in our lives and in our world.
We become pure in heart when we consecrate our lives to him. While we cannot purify our own hearts, God’s response to our consecration is the gracious act of cleansing us from all sin and unrighteousness. This purification is further empowered by the presence of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives.
And it’s not for just a select few. This life is for everyone who wants it! In fact, it is the standard for all followers of Jesus. As we continue to follow him and listen to his teaching and observe his example, it becomes clear that it is his desire – and the desire of the Father – that we should all be pure in heart! And it is available right now.
To see God
Jesus promised his listeners that the pure in heart would see God. This is the greatest imaginable reward. It is a privilege for the angels and those few people who have renounced every way of the world in order to live in purity of heart.
God is omnipotent, omniscient, loving and perfect. To be in his presence is to experience his glory. This glory is infinite and indescribable! To be in his presence is to find perfect comfort and peace. It is to have every negative thing in our lives forever banished; it is all our hopes and dreams realized. It is perfect.
The glory of heaven, in the presence of God, is the eternal home for those who are pure in heart. Nothing could be better.
Your turn
What are you willing to give up in order to see God? Too often, we are reluctant to give up our comforts, possessions, opinions, plans and aspirations. We can be deceived into thinking that we make these great sacrifices for nothing in return. Nothing could be further from the truth. When we give up everything to follow Jesus, we begin to live an abundant, eternal life. We must remember that every good and perfect gift is given by God himself. If you have something good and perfect in your life, it comes from God.
When we consecrate all we are and all we have to him, we are doing something reasonable and we can begin to experience the glory of heaven while still on earth. We are assured that someday we will see God face to face. That is worth it all!
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