Christian Nationalism is Destructive and Divisive

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Christian Nationalism is Destructive and Divisive

February 25, 2025 Lifestyle 0
Christian Nationalism is divisive, destructive and anti-Biblical!
Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

We are experiencing a wave of Christian Nationalism in America. History tells us that this is destructive and divisive for the church as well as the nation. Not only that, in most respects it is anti-Biblical!


The first example of this movement happened in the third century when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Here’s what happened.

With this change in policy, powerful figures emerged in the church. In the Eastern church centered in Constantinople through the 14th century and the western church centered mostly in Rome through the 16th century, various leaders sought power and influence over the populace.

During this time, forced conversions, violent conquest, assassinations and corruption undermined the true message of Christianity. Various leaders were in competition for power and influence – and that competition frequently turned violent and deadly. Reading through this history, I am amazed that the true church even survived. Of course, it did so by God’s grace and presence.

After the reformation in the 16th century, decades of violence continued as various rulers declared their nations Protestant or Catholic, enraging church leaders and again bringing about wars, assassinations and conflict. Many church authorities endorsed or actively participated in the murder and destruction of their rivals.


The church has been a center of influence in the culture since Pentecost. The true message of the church is powerful and transformational.

When that influence is elevated to national official status, it turns political. People who desire power seek to rise to the top, using methods that are worldly and selfish. That is the reason we saw such corrupt men leading the church throughout the centuries.

What Christian Nationalism is attempting

We live in a non-Christian culture. There is no argument there. What Christian nationalism is attempting is to ensure Christian values are enshrined in legal statutes. They argue that this is essential for America to become a Christian nation.

I would dearly love to see our nation become a people of God. However, you cannot force people to adopt Christian values. The values we hold dear are embraced after we believe and have embraced Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  Unless that occurs, any attempt to make people act like Christians is futile and divisive.

History is our teacher here.

What Christian Nationalism misses

The idea of forcing people to adopt Christian values is anti-Biblical. The church was never called to force people to believe. The early church lived in a corrupt culture – just as much of the church lives in today. But there is no call in the New Testament to become militant and violent to spread the gospel and to put down those who disagree. This is a highly divisive approach. It makes enemies of the very people we must reach with the gospel .

Even worse, it puts its hopes in the right politicians to bring about the change. This hasn’t worked in 18 centuries of experience. Why would it suddenly work now?

This movement misses the mark because it largely ignores compassion, mercy and grace – three powerful principles embodied in Jesus Christ, taught by him and every apostle in the New Testament church. You cannot have a church without these three things which are expressions of the infinite love of God!

What really works

God’s love is powerful and transformational. If we want to have a truly Christian culture, we must spread the love of God. It is widely believed that the love of God preached by John Wesley saved England from a bloody revolution such as was experienced by France.

We have been called to a ministry of reconciliation. That is, we are called to reconcile people to Christ. That is a challenge that requires the power of the Spirit of God. And it is an impossible challenge if we see these people as enemies – or if they see us as enemies.

The great commandment tells us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. Jesus said if you love me, you will keep my commandments. One of the most prominent commandments in the Bible is to love our neighbors as ourselves. We must love all our neighbors – those we agree with and those we don’t; those who embrace Christian values and those who reject them.

What we need to do

It is time for the church to humble ourselves and pray and seek God’s face. In prayer, we find the God who changes things. In prayer, we focus our efforts on the only one who can truly change our culture.

If we have gotten to the point where we believe we need the right political party in office to defend and promote Christian values, we truly need to repent! This is practical idolatry. There is no politician or political party that can match the power of God. If we put as much effort into prayer and sharing the love of God as we did to elect the preferred political leaders and parties, we would surely see better results for our efforts.

The church must turn away from political power and embrace again the perfect power of God. We must affirm strongly that only God can change the culture.

Will you?


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