
blog to help followers of Jesus

3 Powerful Truths for Your Best Life

We’ve heard so much lately on how to live your best life. The Bible is full of counsel and instruction on how to live. It is not a shallow or fragile life but one that is deep and strong and effective. You should be able to weather every storm life throws at you. And there…
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March 9, 2023 0

Here’s What to do When God Seems Silent

People sometimes go through seasons when God seems silent. Is there something wrong with God? Is there something wrong with me? Did I do something wrong? Will I ever experience God’s presence again? How should I respond? What should I do when God seems silent? In order to prepare to experience God again, there are…
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March 2, 2023 2

5 Essential Life Lessons from Psalm 23

Psalm 23 is one of the most beloved Psalms. We have heard it many times and the lessons we can learn from it are timeless. Here are five of these lessons. We need a shepherd We like to think of ourselves as self-sufficient but that is just not reality. Even if we reject God, we…
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February 23, 2023 0

Write God’s Word on the Tablet of Your Heart

What is the tablet of your heart? Why is it important to know? Where do we start? Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you;       bind them around your neck;       write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor and good success       in the sight of God and…
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February 9, 2023 2