
blog to help followers of Jesus

3 Surprising Lessons from Luke

I love the gospel story from Luke. This apostle presents a different portrait of Jesus and some very beloved stories found only in his gospel. The Power of the Spirit Throughout his writing, Luke emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit not just in the life of Jesus but in the ministry of the early…
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March 14, 2020 0

5 Powerful Prayer Principles

Jesus lived a life of prayer. His prayer was effective. Not only was he an example in prayer, he taught about prayer – a lot! Everyone can learn about prayer and improve their prayer life by listening to what he said! Five Prayer Principles And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for…
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March 12, 2020 1

10 Prayer Lessons from Jesus

Use these lessons to power your prayer life Is your prayer life everything it needs to be? When you are in crisis, do your prayers make a difference? What have you accomplished lately in prayer? Jesus is our example in prayer. His life was a life of prayer that teaches us. We can see from…
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March 5, 2020 0

So You Want to be a GOAT!

Or not, but you still need to do these three things Have you heard of the GOAT? What makes the GOAT the GOAT? What sets the GOAT apart from the rest? The key that makes someone a GOAT are the disciplines they practice. By the way, GOAT is Greatest Of All Time! The key Of…
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March 2, 2020 0