
blog to help followers of Jesus

So You Want to be a GOAT!

Or not, but you still need to do these three things Have you heard of the GOAT? What makes the GOAT the GOAT? What sets the GOAT apart from the rest? The key that makes someone a GOAT are the disciplines they practice. By the way, GOAT is Greatest Of All Time! The key Of…
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March 2, 2020 0

Be Strong – Yes, You Can!

Are you strong because you’ve worked at it, or are you strong because you decided to be strong? The Bible gives us some startling jolts from time to time. This verse is one of those: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the…
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February 27, 2020 0

Power Packed Life Lessons from Mark

Mark is a short book that chronicles the life of Jesus. Because so much of Mark’s content is also found in Matthew and Luke, it has been a more challenging book for me over the years. But Mark gives details that you don’t find in other books. The Power of Faith Powerful faith is at…
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February 24, 2020 0

Spiritual Recovery – A Short Guide

Spiritual recovery is necessary because we are human. There is nothing that says we must sin. The Bible explicitly tells us that for every temptation there is a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13). It also tells us that when we follow Jesus we don’t continue to sin. However, because we are weak or immature sometimes…
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February 20, 2020 0