
blog to help followers of Jesus

Fatal Choices – Do They Exist?

If you make a really bad decision, can you recover from it? Is there a choice you could make that has consequences that will completely ruin your life? Will fear make you fail? Too many choices we make are made out of fear. I’m not talking about the fear of crossing a busy street but…
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February 17, 2020 0

Moses and You – A Pattern for Effective Living

Today, in my Bible reading, I read Exodus 40. This is one of my favorite Old Testament books. Over the years, I’ve read this passage scores of times until it finally struck me. From verse 16 to 33, there is repeated eight times that Moses did what the Lord commanded him. What it is referring…
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February 13, 2020 0

3 World Changing Life Lessons from Matthew

When Jesus came, everything changed. Matthew records his revolutionary life along with the many lessons he taught and still teaches. It has long been one of my favorite books in the New Testament. The three lessons I will share with you today carry the potential to change your life and change the world. The Great…
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February 10, 2020 0

How to Live a Transformational Life

If we are to live a transformational life, it must begin with an impossible standard! How do you live up to an impossible standard? The Bible seems to be full of them! In our world of hate and conflict, in our world of evil and godlessness, how can we be holy and live at peace…
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February 6, 2020 0