
blog to help followers of Jesus

What Should We Do About LGBTQ?

The church has a bad reputation about how LGBTQ people are treated. This must change. We make this change through a mind shift and adopting the standard of grace and truth embodied by Jesus. I saw a church sign the other day that said: Transgender people welcome here. This sign was on a conservative, holiness…
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December 3, 2019 2

3 Life Lessons from Habakkuk

Habakkuk is one of my favorite short books in the Bible. It shows us despair and faith and how they can both be experienced by the faithful! Here are three great lessons from this book. One – It’s Okay to Ask Hard Questions   O Lord, how long shall I cry for help, and you…
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November 26, 2019 0

10 Essentials for Your Spiritual Heart Check-up

What’s the condition of your heart? I mean the heart you have given to God. How are you doing in your life of following Jesus? How are you really doing? Be brutally honest with yourself. Can you take a long hard look in the mirror? Can you allow God to search your heart and life?…
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November 22, 2019 0

Gratitude: The Secret to Spiritual Growth No One Talks About

Gratitude is usually looked upon as good. In fact, in the month of November, when we in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving, we often take time to list the things we are grateful for. That is a healthy practice. However, we overlook the reality that gratitude can greatly enhance spiritual growth. Here’s how. When we…
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November 19, 2019 0