
blog to help followers of Jesus

How to Achieve Healthy Balanced Growth

Recently, we have seen sensational stories about athletes with behavior issues that disqualified them from the sport they excel in. How can someone be so gifted physically yet have so little self-control that they can’t maintain a healthy relationship? Balanced growth is required! A simple verse in Luke describes a healthy and balanced growth pattern.…
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July 19, 2019 0

Ezekiel Teaches Seven Surprising Life Lessons

It’s good to find lessons in a difficult read! How hard is Ezekiel for you to read? It’s among the most challenging books I ever read. Even though it proves difficult, every time I read and study Ezekiel my appreciation for it grows. Here are seven lessons from my latest study of this important book.…
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July 16, 2019 0

Discover the Power of Giving

Giving is an important part of the Kingdom of God. In fact, giving is an essential part of experiencing the abundant life. Giving allows us to participate in the human condition and bring glory to God. Here’s what Jesus said about it. “Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen…
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July 12, 2019 0

Why God Doesn’t Answer My Why Question

How many times have you asked God, why? How many times has he answered you? My experience is that I rarely get a why question answered. To which I would say, why? And since God doesn’t answer the why question, what should we do instead? Sometimes He answers – sort of! If we study the…
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July 9, 2019 0