
blog to help followers of Jesus

Teaching is Essential – What Jesus Said and How It Applies Today

rawpixel Are you teaching others? What can you do today to make a difference in someone’s life? What do you know that could be of value of others following Jesus? Is your experience and knowledge useful to more than yourself? One of the most important things we do as followers of Jesus is to help…
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August 28, 2018 0

Six Steps to Achieve Balance in Your Life

Is your life out of whack? Are you able to maintain a healthy balance for all the demands that are placed upon you? What are you doing about it? Casey Horner There is a way to balance life in order to get the most out of every day. I have found important ways to balance…
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July 31, 2018 1

How You Can Find God’s Will for Your Life

What is God’s will for you? Where does he want you to serve in his kingdom? Can you be sure that you know what he wants you to do? Emily Morter God’s word gives us a lot of things we can do in the kingdom. It also provides helpful guidance into how to discover what…
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July 28, 2018 0

7 Lessons from Numbers

Every book of the Bible has lessons for the follower of Jesus. Numbers is no different! But can you get past the numbers in Numbers? Here are seven lessons I learned. Nick Hillier One – The Census – Numbers 1-2 The first thing that happens in the book is the numbering of the people. Scholars…
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July 24, 2018 0