Category: Follow Jesus

blog to help followers of Jesus

Authority – What do we do about it?

A question everyone must answer: what is the authority of Jesus? The way you answer that question is life altering. And failure to answer, is an answer in itself! In the last days of Jesus’ ministry, conflict and confrontation became the norm! Here, Jesus heads right into the home court of the religious authorities. And…
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March 15, 2019 0

A Private Chat With Jesus

Imagine spending an evening with Jesus. What would you ask him? Nicodemus had that opportunity and Jesus shared with him some profound and sublime truths! Here’s the story: Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to him, “Rabbi,…
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February 22, 2019 0

Do This One Thing to Find Purpose and Fulfillment

Do you believe that if you have just one single priority you could find fulfillment and purpose in your life? What one thing could make such a huge impact? The follower of Jesus has a very simplified priority system! In fact, it can’t be any simpler. There is one priority — follow Jesus. That’s a simple but…
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October 18, 2018 0

Why it is Important to Abide in Jesus and How it is Possible

In John 15, Jesus is talking to his disciples. So this passage is for us, as his disciples. It is so important for us to listen and understand. We see the word ‘abide’ repeated many times here. Igor Ovsyannykov There are four important consideration for us: What does it mean to abide? What happens if…
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May 3, 2018 0