Category: Lifestyle

blog to help followers of Jesus

10 Characteristics of the Abundant Life

Following Jesus means we live an abundant life (John 10:10). What is an abundant life? When I think of abundant life, I think of a life lived to the full – a life brimming with vitality, purpose and accomplishment. Giving our life to Jesus begins the adventure. Here are ten characteristics of the abundant life.…
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October 18, 2019 0

7 Essential Elements to Endurance

You Can Learn to Endure! To follow Jesus, we need endurance. In fact, for almost every good thing in life we need endurance. We need endurance because life is hard. Following Jesus comes with opposition. It requires faith. It requires some work! Endurance brings great reward. Paul urged the Galatian churches: Do not grow weary…
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October 11, 2019 0

Without Compassion Are You Even a Christian?

If we are following Jesus, shouldn’t we strive to be just like him? Why do we shy away from compassion? It is the power to lift the weak from their suffering. You have that power when you are following Jesus. Here is how to set that power loose! What is Compassion? Webster’s Third International Dictionary…
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September 24, 2019 2

Three Essentials to Build a Great Life

I like to observe the processes that come together to build things. I live in a new subdivision where they are still building new homes and I love to watch them develop from the bare ground to the finished product. It takes about six months to build a home. It takes longer to build a…
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September 10, 2019 0