Category: Lifestyle

blog to help followers of Jesus

The Path to Christian Maturity

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash Christian maturity is the goal for those who are following Jesus. But what does it look like? In the letter to the Colossians Paul lays out a challenging and comprehensive picture of what it is. I will break this scripture down for you to help you gain some perspective…
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June 22, 2023 0

Here’s How to Be the Light of the World!

What does it mean to be the light? Have you ever stopped to contemplate light? Even before God created the sun, moon and stars he created light! The Bible tells us that God is light. When we are saved, we become his children and so we walk in the light and are the light! For…
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March 23, 2023 0

How Do You Get Rid of God’s Blessing?

Are you tired of God’s blessing in your life? Or do you feel like you forfeited it or lost it? Does it seem like he doesn’t bless you any more? I know that no one would ever say they wanted to get rid of God’s blessing but it happens! Too often, we drift off course…
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March 16, 2023 0

3 Powerful Truths for Your Best Life

We’ve heard so much lately on how to live your best life. The Bible is full of counsel and instruction on how to live. It is not a shallow or fragile life but one that is deep and strong and effective. You should be able to weather every storm life throws at you. And there…
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March 9, 2023 0