Category: Lifestyle

blog to help followers of Jesus

The Surprising Power of Submission

Submission is a highly prized value of the Kingdom of God! We are not comfortable with the idea of being submissive to those around us. As we grow up, we yearn for the day of independence and autonomy! Being submissive doesn’t mean being weak. In fact, it puts you in a position of strength, allowing…
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June 1, 2020 0

Are You Taking Time to Worship?

From the reading of scripture, we observe that one of the central activities of heaven is worship. All the glorious host of heaven, all those who are saved and dwelling in heaven eternally will be gathered together to sing and praise and glorify God. We will share in the glory and majesty of heaven as…
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May 18, 2020 0

Why Faithfulness is Essential to Your Life

Faithfulness might be the most important quality you can have in life. In recent days, my mom celebrated her 90th birthday and, nearing his 93rd birthday, my Uncle left this earth for heaven. Reflecting on their lives, as well as my dad’s, I see the common thread of faithfulness as being all important. Often, we…
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April 30, 2020 0

A Spiritual Check-up To Help You To Thrive

Spiritual Check-up time! Now that most of us have a little extra time on our hands, why not take the time to see where we stand spiritually. It is good to know where we stand. There are several scriptures we could use to help us with this, but we will use Ephesians 1:15-23. This is…
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April 23, 2020 1