Category: spiritual growth

blog to help followers of Jesus

7 Strategies to Overcome Stress in Your Life

So much to do and so little time! Pressure at work and pressure at home and pressure at school – can you stand the it? Stress is a daily part of life. It is normal! Photo Credit: kendrickng Flickr via Compfight cc Stress keeps us productive and moves us forward! Without a manageable amount of stress…
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October 17, 2017 0

Three Indispensable Disciplines of a Champion

Photo Credit: Richard Wayne Photography Flickr via Compfight cc The GOAT Have you heard of the GOAT? What makes the GOAT the GOAT? What sets the GOAT apart from the rest? The key that makes someone a GOAT are the disciplines they practice. By the way, GOAT is Greatest Of All Time! Spiritual disciplines are…
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October 10, 2017 0

6 Strategies to Help Avoid the Danger of Drifting

Are you drifting in your spiritual life? Warning! There could be forces at work you are not aware of! Photo Credit: tquist24 Flickr via Compfight cc There’s a Rip Tide! I remember the first time I went to the beach. I was about 11 years old and was there with my family. We lived far…
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September 12, 2017 0

7 Unexpected Words Every Follower Needs for Growth

As we experience spiritual growth in following Jesus, we can easily get excited about the process, the joy, the adventure and the future. We all want things to be easy all the time but reality does set in! So we must be willing to accept and even embrace some unexpected words that are part of…
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April 5, 2017 0