
blog to help followers of Jesus

The Incredible Power of Authority

Do you recognize the authority you have? How is it related to the authority you live under? Knowing our authority is a powerful tool to help us fulfill our spiritual potential and responsibilities. In a setting with just his disciples, Jesus set forth some profound teaching to help them. He challenged their thinking and gave…
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April 12, 2019 0

Powerful Life Lessons from Psalms

Do you want to be overloaded with biblical lessons to help you in your spiritual walk? If so, read the book of Psalms! Of course, this is a good thing. There is inspiration, comfort, instruction, prayer, devotion and so much more in this great book. Since there are too many lessons to list, I have…
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April 9, 2019 0

Jesus is Coming Again – What Should You Do?

Jesus told us he was coming again. One day, Jesus presented some important truths for his disciples to contemplate and respond to. What can we do today to be ready for when he comes again? He introduces the topic Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, “The…
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April 5, 2019 2

Three Places to Search for Treasure!

Have you ever lost something? Is there a treasure or a secret that you need to find? What if the most important thing in your life was hidden and you just needed to uncover it? If you knew where to search and what you would find, you wouldn’t hesitate to begin right now. So what…
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April 2, 2019 0