
blog to help followers of Jesus

7 Powerful Words To Focus Your Spiritual Expectations

Are you following Jesus?  What are your expectations? We all need encouragement but is there something more – something unexpected and profound? Jenny Hill I have seen many people begin to follow only to stumble and fall. Some were able to get up, others simply failed. What are some of the keys that they were…
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March 27, 2018 0

How to Find Life That is Beyond Your Imagination!

Jesus said many startling things about the Kingdom of God, about his life and his mission. Here is another. Laurencia Soesanto Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it,…
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March 23, 2018 0

Why the Psalms Are the Most Practical, Real Life Book in the Bible

A guest post by Dave Wernli Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash When I first read the Book of Psalms, I was in high school. I was reading the Bible straight through, cover to cover, for the first time. I got to the Psalms and thought, “Oh, what a drag. This is going to be…
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March 20, 2018 0

Discover Your Path to Spiritual Life

Where does spiritual life come from? How do we get it? What role do we play in gaining and growing spiritually? We all have a desire to truly live a full and rewarding life. When we have spiritual life we experience the abundant life that Jesus promised us. Mariona Campmany Where spiritual life begins Spiritual…
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March 16, 2018 0