
blog to help followers of Jesus

You Have a World Changing Mission – Make Disciples

Who is the most committed person to Jesus that you know? Is their life a radical demonstration of what it means to follow Jesus? How do you feel about them? Intimidated? Admiring? Inspired? Encouraged? Colin Rex When I think about someone committed to Jesus, I think of someone who shares Jesus with everyone – someone…
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March 13, 2018 0

11 Laws for Spiritual Success

Would it be helpful if there was a definite set of guidelines that would guarantee spiritual success – laws, like the law of gravity that would ensure you would thrive spiritually? What would you do with such a ‘list’? Are you willing to commit yourself to spiritual success? Xan Griffin I want to introduce and…
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March 9, 2018 0

Why Serving in the Church Can Impact a Life Every Day

Can you make a difference in someone’s life every day? How can this be possible? Is serving in the church really the answer? Before we get to that, though, we must answer some more questions. What is the church supposed to look like? How is it intended to function? Is the church more than buildings,…
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March 6, 2018 0

Discover the Power of Faith

Faith is essential to life, but what is it? What does it do? Why is it important and how do we nurture it? Kristopher Roller The Bible says much about faith. You can discover how powerful it is and be changed by exercising it. Abraham is considered by many as the father of faith. Here’s…
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March 1, 2018 0