Tag: grace

blog to help followers of Jesus

What’s the Big Deal About Foot Washing?

What if something as simple as foot washing carried a reward that could be experienced in this life and at this moment? I want to share with you an unexpected ‘high’ we can know when we do something profoundly simple. There is a familiar part of Jesus’ life that has such special significance and very…
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June 28, 2019 0

How Forgiveness Transforms Your Life

Everyone has been offended. Everyone has been insulted and hurt. Sometimes life comes at you like a brutal machine. It’s easy to get buried in feelings of anger and bitterness. I have witnessed the ruin caused by such experiences and I could easily been a victim as well. However, I discovered that forgiveness has power…
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December 18, 2018 0

Lessons in Deuteromony

The Israelites were nearing the end of their 40 year wilderness experience. The Book of Deuteronomy recounts the journey and retells the law. Moses addressed the people to encourage and warn them. His words are still very relevant today. Alexander Michl One – A Little History – Deuteronomy 1-3 Moses provided some history to remind…
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September 11, 2018 0

The Power of Grace for You!

Can your spiritual growth take a quantum leap? Does grace make it possible to accelerate growth in just a few minutes? Passages of scripture like the one we will look at today encourage us in the reality that we can grow spiritually at a much faster pace and that there is a powerful and awesome…
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July 21, 2018 0