Tag: mercy

blog to help followers of Jesus

Zechariah Speaks Powerful Life Lessons

Zechariah is the second last book in the Old Testament. Usually, when I get here I kind of rush through in order to get to Matthew. So, I have to remind myself to slow down. There are a couple of very strong lessons about how we are to live in the words of this wonderful…
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January 13, 2020 0

Secrets to Finding the Greatest Treasure

Treasure is being discovered all around us! Hundreds of millions of dollars in prizes are waiting for someone in lotteries across the country. What would you do if you won $300 million? Or $30 million? Or even $3 million? That kind of treasure is so in demand that as the prize increases, so does the…
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July 23, 2019 0

How Forgiveness Transforms Your Life

Everyone has been offended. Everyone has been insulted and hurt. Sometimes life comes at you like a brutal machine. It’s easy to get buried in feelings of anger and bitterness. I have witnessed the ruin caused by such experiences and I could easily been a victim as well. However, I discovered that forgiveness has power…
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December 18, 2018 0

7 Essentials for a Strong Marriage

Marriage is the most intimate relationship we commit to. Sadly about 50% of marriages end in divorce. Even more sadly, in the church the number is nearly the same! What does it take to make a marriage work? To make it rich and satisfying? Books have been written, so this article won’t be comprehensive but…
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June 19, 2018 0