Tag: power

blog to help followers of Jesus

3 Powerful Lessons from Joel

Have you ever really ventured into the Minor Prophets – those books from Hosea to Malachi tucked quietly into the Old Testament? Some of the books seem obscure but each has unique lessons to teach us. Here are three from Joel, and each is related to a promise. The Flip Side of the Promise We…
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September 3, 2019 0

Healing is Possible – Recognize These Keys

When Jesus healed, there were always factors in place that made it possible. Some were unchanging, others were varied from situation to situation. Once again, in this story we see these factors as well as two major themes: humility and desperation; authority and power. Here’s the story So he came again to Cana in Galilee,…
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August 1, 2019 0

Secrets to Finding the Greatest Treasure

Treasure is being discovered all around us! Hundreds of millions of dollars in prizes are waiting for someone in lotteries across the country. What would you do if you won $300 million? Or $30 million? Or even $3 million? That kind of treasure is so in demand that as the prize increases, so does the…
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July 23, 2019 0

Ezekiel Teaches Seven Surprising Life Lessons

It’s good to find lessons in a difficult read! How hard is Ezekiel for you to read? It’s among the most challenging books I ever read. Even though it proves difficult, every time I read and study Ezekiel my appreciation for it grows. Here are seven lessons from my latest study of this important book.…
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July 16, 2019 0