Tag: power

blog to help followers of Jesus

Ezekiel Teaches Seven Surprising Life Lessons

It’s good to find lessons in a difficult read! How hard is Ezekiel for you to read? It’s among the most challenging books I ever read. Even though it proves difficult, every time I read and study Ezekiel my appreciation for it grows. Here are seven lessons from my latest study of this important book.…
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July 16, 2019 0

The Demon Teaches a Lesson?

Surely not! How can a demon teach us a lesson about following Jesus? Well, it’s subtle but it’s there. This simple, short story is a snapshot of why we should pay attention to what Jesus said and did! Whatever Jesus did and whatever he said, teach us lessons about how we are to live. Here…
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March 29, 2019 0

10 Convincing Reasons to Live the Abundant Life

Following Jesus means we live an abundant life (John 10:10). What is an abundant life? How would you describe it? There are as many ways to describe an abundant life as there are reasons to live the abundant life. Here are a few (both descriptors and reasons): 5 Great Reasons! A life of confidence. When…
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October 25, 2018 0

The Power of Grace for You!

Can your spiritual growth take a quantum leap? Does grace make it possible to accelerate growth in just a few minutes? Passages of scripture like the one we will look at today encourage us in the reality that we can grow spiritually at a much faster pace and that there is a powerful and awesome…
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July 21, 2018 0